Locker after class

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Request by @KManheim ! Hope you like it😊🖤

The school bell rings in you ears as the clock strikes "hell time". Not because -school- has ever been a bad term for you. You've always been pretty good in school to say the least. Homework and long hours of boring lectures has never bothered you, especially not history as you aced every single test that occurred week for weeks.

No, see, you were really good in school. What makes school this "hell" for you, is the people that are in there. You've never been the type who's like everyone else, and you're smarter and more nerdy than everyone else. To you, it doesn't matter, but it obviously does to all the other students, as they just can't seem to keep their comments, pointing fingers and whisperings to each other. It started out as nothing, but as time went on, it got worse and worse. To the point where school isn't even the right word for it anymore. It should be "the place where you ace everything but get bullied and picked on by almost everyone".

There's really no reason for people to pick on you. You've always been super sweet, kind and smart. There's really nothing wrong with you besides that you're being yourself unlike the other copies of copies of copies in this institution. But because teenagers are teenagers, they unluckily noticed you and started to spread rumors and whisperings about you.

The doors clack open as you innocently put a strand behind your hair, looking at the ground as you head to your first class, hopefully unnoticed. Fortunately, not a lot of people are in the hallways this morning, so you quickly head into the history class and place yourself in the back of the class. Beside... Samuel Morgan. The only other person in this class who could score as high points as you - if not more. He gives you a short smile before looking ahead of him again.

You've never really talked to Sam, as he often goes by. Though you've definitely noticed him. It's hard not to notice a guy like him. The guy with the great body and face and hair and eyes and—

"Alright class, today, we are taking a long trip back to the 1600s"

Sam leans back in his seat. You notice his hand fiddling with a pencil.

"We're going to be talking about pirates, and no, not the Jack Sparrow, Captain Hook types of pirates"

Sam chuckles lightly at that.

"Today we'll be talking about Henry Avery. The pirate who pulled off the biggest heist in history, and got away with it."

Sam tilts his head up, interested.

"Henry Avery was born in 1649–"

Wait hold on. That's not true. Avery was born in 1659?

And the lecture went on, but you were too occupied thinking about the wrong facts the teacher was stating along with Sam's subtle movements here and there. The way he runs his hand through his hair. The way he lightly taps his foot. The way he licks his lips.

If only you'd be able to feel them with your own.

"I'll hand out papers with questions to you, you may answer them individually," the teacher yells as she pulls out a stack of papers and hands them out to all the students.

Sam sighs before turning his head to you.

"I don't know what to answer to these questions since the right answers would probably be counted as wrong as she stated pretty much all the facts wrong," Sam whispered to you as he moved a little closer, his eyes glued to yours and a flashy smile making your heart beat faster than it should in your chest.

"I know right? Don't know if my vast knowledge of pirates comes in handy or the exact opposite in this situation," you chuckle quietly.

"Huh, didn't think you'd be the pirate kind of girl," Sam looks at you for a moment.

"Samuel, Y/N! I said INDIVIDUALLY," the teacher yells from her desk up front. We quickly tear our gazes from each other and focus on our tests. Answering the papers cluelessly, you and Sam finish and hand the papers back to the teacher.

The bells ring once again, making your body shiver.

"Class dismissed!"

You grab your backpack and books and quickly head out of the classroom, hoping that you could get your books for your next chemistry class before hell starts. But you didn't make it.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" Adam, the guy who practically started the whole bullying situation leans against the locker beside you. You turn to face him as you close your locker, seeing that 3 other guys are standing behind him with a devilish smirk plastered on all of their faces.

"How's it going, little nerd bitch?" He pushes you lightly, making you stumble into the lockers, nearly making you fall backwards.

"How was history class? Sucked off the teacher under the desk this time?" Pushing you again with more force, you this time do fall backwards and drop your books to the floor. They all laugh and stare down at you like you're an animal at a zoo. Adam grabs the collar of your shirt, lifts you up with full force and slams you against the lockers.

"Let go of her, Adam!" A familiar voice yells from farther down the hall. You all turn your heads to see a storming Sam coming towards you. Sam is stronger and better at fighting than any of the boys here, so there's really no point of trying to fight him. Hence no ones ever tried.

"What do you want, Morgan?" Adam let's go of you and instead turns his body towards Sam, trying to act bigger than him.

"I want you dipshits to leave her the fuck alone. Now piss off," Sam pushes Adam with enough force for him to tremble into his friend behind him. A tear carefully falls down your cheek as the comments you've been getting this year replays in your head.

Sam definitely scared them off since they won't even dare to look at him nor you as they walk away quietly. When they're out of sight, Sam turned his head to you.

"Hey, don't cry," Sam leaned down a bit and wiped away your tears. "C'mere, lets get you fixed up," Sam grabs your books thereafter grabbing your hand sending shivers up your spine, leading you to the girls' bathroom. There's rarely anyone in here, so there's a good chance you'll be alone when you arrive. And you were.

Sam took off your backpack, put your books into it and came back up to you. He pulled you into a hug as he whispered in your ear.

"Don't listen to them, Y/N, you're stronger than them," he sways you from side to side lightly as you look at both of you in the mirror. Sam's almost a head taller than you, so he leans his head on top of yours. The feeling of his warmth puts a smile on your face and makes you want to stay like this forever.

The bell rings again and the next class starts.

"I'll meet you at your locker after class, we can go get some lunch," he pulls out of the hug and tilts your chin up. You nod, and with that he takes gives you your backpack, takes your hand and leads you out of the bathroom before you part your ways.

Maybe it isn't hell after all.


God I hope you liked it, I really made Sam a softie in this one huh? ♥️ thanks for reading! As always, feel free to leave requests!

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