It's always been you

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Request by @MotylekAudrey ! Really really hope you like this one, I tried my best♥️


   You watch as they walk by, hand in hand as they always did, their faces lit up. At least hers is. You can't really figure out his expression. This was the usual occasion; you'd see the "perfect couple" as everyone called them in this town. The pretty boy and the pretty girl. Now you wouldn't say that you were jealous of her. But deep down you know damn well that you wish it was your hand in his. But of course, it would never be. They're inseparable, shining, unbreakable, glowing in the streets as they walk by. If you were lucky, you'd get a nod from him as they walk by.

   Now Samuel Morgan and you have been close friends since as long as you can remember. You've always hung out, laughed your butts off with good jokes and conversations, bought ice cream and danced to the music in your room. And you were happy. Always. He was your best of friends, and was always there for you, at a point. But you can't deny that you've thought about him as something else. Something more intimate and close. Something that makes the butterflies dance in your stomach whenever you'd see him, or even just think about him.

   You remember the night where you found the box of your parents' old CDs in the attic. It was full of childhood songs that you remember listening to with your family. Without hesitation, you call ask Sam to come over and you'd dance and sing to the songs all night long. You'd dance on the tables, scream to the sky and laugh for hours and hours. And you remember him, clearly, that night. He was in his famous henley, denim jeans and... his hazel eyes, hypnotizing you as he watched you with every movement. His stupid smirk that never seems to leave the pretty face of his, casting a spell on you, making your knees weak whenever head come the slightest near you.

   But it all changed - some of it at least. Sam started hanging out with this girl, Crystal was her name. Crystal. The girl every other girl wanted to be. Not that she was nice, because she definitely wasn't. She was actually pretty snobby and arrogant when it came to human interaction. She didn't have too much between her ears either, which is weird considering her boyfriend is the exact opposite.
But pretty, she really was.

   Slowly, you became a forgotten memory in Samuel's heart. At least you thought, as Sam never had time to hang out with you anymore. It hurt you, a lot actually. It's a kind of pain that leaves you up all night with streaming thoughts, and tears sometimes. You lost count of how many nights you'd stare at the Polaroid you and Sam took a year before Crystal came into his life. You're both smiling, Sam's arm around your shoulder. But as the picture would get harder and harder to look at in the middle of the night, as time went on and you drifted apart, you had to put it away.


   And as Sam smiles at you when they pass by you on the street, you receive a look from Crystal. Not a nice one to say the least. You smile back to him, ignoring the mad expression on her face, but as she saw you smiling at him, she quickly pricked her head towards Sam, pulling his hand with her as she began walking faster. So fast that Sam almost trips. And before they turned around the corner, Sam looked back at you with an apologetic look. Your lips slightly pouted as you look into the ground.

   As much as you just want to forget him, as much as he's possibly forgotten you, you just can't. You can't forget his smile. His laugh. His eyes that would glow into yours, making your heart flutter at an instant, making the slight red creep up on your cheeks, unable to control your own smile. But Sam never knew. He never suspected anything because you were too good at hiding your feelings in the dark for him. He was oblivious. And you were delusional, you thought.

   Later, you went home with your hands fiddling with each other. To be honest, you haven't had anyone to talk to since you lost your best friend. Nothing was the same. Instead, you had to walk around with your thoughts alone, whether they were good or bad. Sam was really the only person you could talk to about anything. Now, being trapped with a train of sad and low thoughts, drained your energy and left you with a feeling of standing alone in this world.

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