If you ever get in trouble

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You never imagined yourself with a boy. And you definitely never imagined yourself with a guy like him. But there's was something about his eyes. You didn't know what it was. But it was something special.

The clock strikes 10 pm and you're still out. What are you even doing here on a hot summer night? You should be at home, reading or something. As you always do. Perhaps that's why you're still out. To get away? To run from your boring, normal life?

You sigh and stand up from the bench, grabbing your skateboard after patching yourself up after getting a pretty deep cut on your shoulder. The concrete is not really your best friend.
The summer breeze hitting your exposed legs and arms, as you're wearing shorts and a crop top. You put on your bomber jacket and skate around in the park. The wind hitting your face is... calming. Freeing. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. It's these moments you love. Just skating in a quiet town on a hot summer night. You wish you could stay in these moments forev—

"Sorry!" You say as you almost tremble into a stranger - luckily being held steady by him as you almost fall off your skateboard.

"It's okay" a Boston accent chuckles as you meet his eyes. You scan his face. Green eyes, brown messy hair, freckles and very kissable lips. He looks about your age. You almost get lost in his eyes before he opens his mouth to say something else.

"I uhm" he almost chokes on his words.
"I'm Sam— Sam Morgan" he stares into your Y/E/C eyes.

You open your mouth to say something, but you simply can't get anything out.
Realizing that you're still holding on to his biceps and his hands are still on your waist, doesn't make it any better to get words out.

"Beautiful? Yeah, most definitely" he smirks at you as he gained his confidence again.
You blush like crazy and look down as you step off your board. He laughs and you look back up at him. He's still not breaking his gaze.

"Uhm... heh... I'm uh... I'm Y/N" you manage to get out as you slowly get lost in his eyes again.

"Y/N..." he whispers as he bites his bottom lip.

"Come here often?" He says with yet another stupid but amazing smirk as you let go of each other.

You laugh at his question and put a strand behind your ear.

"Uhm... no not really" you respond with a little more confidence in your voice, crossing your arms.

"Saw you skate for a minute. Pretty good for a girl like you" he says as he grabs your board and hands it to you. You grab it and thank him.

"For a girl like me?"

"Yeah well I mean pretty girls normally don't skate"

You chuckle at his sweet comment as you look away.

He suddenly notices the cut on your shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" He runs his finger along the patched up cut with a worried expression on his face.

"Oh... yeah I'm fine, just fell" you almost forgot the pain until he reminded you. Is it pretty deep after all.

"It doesn't look too good" he touches it gently and you wince.

"Sweetheart we gotta get you fixed up"

"It's fine— I'm fine... really"

"No you're not Y/N, it's a deep cut. A "quick fix" won't do much"

You sigh. He's right. Maybe you underestimated the situation a little too much.

"Cmon" he grabs your hand and gives you a look, asking for permission to do so. You reassure him by holding on tight to his hand. He smiles and you walk with him, the skateboard in your other hand.

Young Sam Drake One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now