A Father's Death

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The blue sky
Did twinkle that night
As elves did stalk
Their prey in sight

Beside a murmuring brook
Stood a great silver rook
With wings of glass
And eyes of cobalt

Twas not the rook they hunted
Rather the wolf
Of cobalt hair
They lived in a pair

And the rooks followed
The wolves into the hollow
And the elves now crouched
Nary a twig they touched

Then the wolf emerged
A proud father unchallenged
Knowing the threat
And seeing them too

The elves rose
And bowed
Then one stepped into the hollow
A duel about to follow

The moon an opal in the sky
The elf and the beast did fight
For food, dominance and pride
For their own lives

And he struck the wolf
The elf with his nimble foot
And it's golden ichor flowed
As it's head rolled on the floor
And nothing moved except the petrichor

For father sun had risen
And with him the world
The other did bay
At losing its mate

And so did the elves leave
With the carcass of the father
And the ravens did stare
With somber silence at their glee

On family was broken
But many had been sustained
And the cycle of nature continued
As was ordained.

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