Chapter One

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"Filthy Socs!" Someone shouted at us from the halls. I kept my sight forward as Jin instructed to us when things like this happened. I noticed Taehyung shift his gaze towards me. Jin straightened his posture as he practically cat walked down the high school halls.

"Did you just say what I think you just did, punk!?" I heard someone yell back. I heard pushing and grunting, which became harder to hear as we walked to our lockers.

"Yeah, what you gonna do about it, Soc?"

"You don't wanna know, ya Greaser." I heard a loud thud, and assumed that someone got punched. Jimin wrapped his hand around mine as several students ran to see the drama. We arrived at Jin's locker.

"Who do you think will win, Taehyung?" Jin chuckled as he opened his locker, "Tae?"

Taehyung watched the crowd form around the fight, wide-eyed.

"Um...that Soc, obviously." Taehyung responded with a distant tone. Jin looked at him oddly but continued to go through his stuff.

"Did you catch who he was?" Jimin asked.

"No, but probably a friend of Darryl. He and his goons are always sticking up for us Socs." Jin said nonchalantly.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I heard the principal, Mr. Garcia say, "Break it up, come on!" The crowd that once surrounded the two boys quickly broke apart. I could faintly hear the principal scold the boys in a hushed tone. I glanced at the scene and could see him walking our way.

"Garcia alert." I said quickly. Jin turned around and put on his 'show face'.

"Are you four alright?" Mr. Garcia asked.

"Yes, Mr. Garcia. Thank you for asking." Jin thanked. "I just don't understand why they hate us so much." Jin commented innocently.

"I'm sure they don't hate you, Seokjin. But if you ask me," Garcia lowered his voice, "They're just jealous."

"Oh I wouldn't say jealous." Jin said as he smiled.

"Seokjin, always so humble." Garcia patted Jin on the shoulder, "Keep it up, boys! You too, Rose!"

Garcia walked back to his office and Jin scoffed. "I can't stand him. So intrusive sometimes."

A guy with messy brown hair and a bloody nose rushed up to us, "Greasers can be such pests, good thing I stuck up for you guys or they would've left this place thinkin' it was right to say things like that." He panted, out of breath.

"Mhm." Jin turned back to his locker, ignoring him.

"We can defend ourselves, thanks." Jimin snapped.

The guy laughed nervously, "Well, yeah, I just figured-" Jin slammed his locker shut and turned back to him sharply, "What? You figured that I didn't have enough money or power to kick whoever I want out of town? Much less defend myself against some measly Greaser?" Jin snarled.

"I didn't mean that, I-I just-" He stammered, "Get out." Jin demanded.

The guy quickly walked away, dripping blood.

"Jin, don't you think that was a little harsh? I mean he was defending your honor. Give the guy a break." Taehyung said.

"Ok, I guess that was a bit rude," Jin shrugged on his bag, "But you have to assert yourself. Show them who's boss. Take some notes, Tae."

Taehyung stayed quiet as we walked to our next class.


    Taking a step, I threw the level shaped rock across the lake. To my disappointment, the stepping stone only hopped once on the surface.

    One of my best friends and fellow greaser, Hoseok, reached to grab a flat shaped pebble. "Well that was embarrassing, lemme show you how it's done...I bet I can even beat Jungkook's record."  All the Greasers with me looked at each other in amusement. It was just Yoongi, Namjoon, and I leaning against Namjoon's banged up 1959 Ford Custom.

"By the way, where is Jungkook?" Namjoon wondered. Hoseok stopped in the midst of his toss.

"He's probably sick," I said.

"Maybe." Yoongi added.

"He would've told us though. This being right after the situation with the Socs-"

Just as Namjoon had mentioned the incident, a few Socs walked up to our vehicle. The group of five, both men and women decked out in their cardigans, preppy skirts, and letter jackets.

"Look who we have here." The one in the middle of the Socs spoke. He seemed to be the leader of the group.

I glanced back at my friends. They all had stopped what they were doing and stood their ground. I joined in with the group, facing the Socs. The two girls stepping aside.

"Isn't this the group of Greasers that's friends with that one kid we beat up the other day? He didn't even stand a chance." The Soc leader smiled devilishly at his remark. I heard the girls in the back giggling.

    Before saying or doing anything, my attention immediately went to Namjoon and the two others. I saw Yoongi's fist tighten and Namjoon held a menacing glare at them with his brows furrowed.

The Soc stepped up to Hoseok in the face and pointed at his eyebrow. "Even cut 'em right here. I say it was quite an accomplishment, your friend was a fiesty one."

Outraged, Yoongi pushed him back, pulling out his pocket knife.

"STOP! There's kids here!" Namjoon shouted, "So, Not. Now." He gritted his teeth.

I noticed a group of kids, approximately eight or so sitting next to each other in astonishment. As they saw all of us look back at them they dispersed. 

"Listen, we should go before this gets out of hand." I exclaimed as I took a step back from the scene.

"That sounds like a good idea." Namjoon glared at Yoongi and stepped back and climbed into his car, followed by Hoseok and me.

"We will continue this later." Yoongi proclaimed. He then stormed to the car to join us three.

"Pussies!" One of the Socs shouted.

We left with our middle fingers pointed out the window.

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