Chapter Two

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Song: Heaven by The Neighbourhood


"God, I hate Socs." Hoseok sighed as he plopped himself onto Namjoon's torn couch.

"Yeah, let's just hope that they didn't mess with Jungkook too bad." I commented as I took a seat at the table. I could faintly hear Namjoon scolding Yoongi in the next room over. Hoseok laughed, "Yoongi's really getting his ass chewed out, huh?"

"I mean, he deserves it. He shouldn't have pulled out a knife out in the open like that." I flinched as I heard glass shatter, probably a lamp."How long are you staying here with Joon?" I asked.

"Bah, I'm not sure. Maybe a few more weeks. I'm still looking for jobs. I'm a hard working man, ya know." He smirked.

"I'm sure you are, Hobi." I said sarcastically as I smiled back at him.

Someone began pounding loudly on the door, "I got it!" I shouted as I stood up. I opened the door, expecting a homeless person from the train tracks next to Namjoon's house. Instead I was greeted by a stern looking police officer.

"Does Namjoon Kim live here?" He asked harshly. I looked back at Hoseok and we gave each other worried looks. Greasers knew that police were always on our tails on the streets but never showed up at our house like this. Something was up.

"Yes he does," I answered. Before the police man walked in I blocked his path, "May I ask why you are here?"

"You and your friends here have shown signs of suspicious behavior." The man answered. "Now can you move or else I'll have to take unnecessary measures."

"Suspicious behavior? We haven't done anything!" Hoseok was now right next to me.

Not answering us, the man took out his walkie talkie. "Bring back up in."

"Wait what?" I persisted to question.

Soon enough his 'back up' escorted us into their vehicles. They put us in individual cars so we wouldn't "act out". I looked behind me to see Yoongi in one of the cars. He looked burnt out from the argument with Namjoon. They must've had some fight. I turned around before Yoongi would spot me staring at him.

We eventually got to the police station ten minutes away and my hands started shaking. Police give me anxiety when there's a lot of them. You always feel...violated.

Yoongi, Hoseok, and I were seperated from Namjoon to be interrogated. They took us into a small room with four chairs and a table. We took our seats as an older woman approached us.

She introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Dorothy Williamson. I'll be asking you a few questions about last night."

"How do you know Jungkook Jeon?" She asked as she sat down. I noticed a police man standing right next to the door watching our every move.

"What does Jungkook have to do with this?" Yoongi snapped.

"Sweety we just need these answered, we don't want things to get we?" She cautioned, peering at the police man. Yoongi slumped, crossing his arms.

"Jungkook has been our friend since birth. We all live close by in the same part of town." Hoseok shared. Yoongi and I nodded to his comment.

She took some notes and then looked up from her clipboard. "Where were you yesterday?"

"We were at school." Yoongi implied.

"You didn't skip class or anything like that?"

Hoseok stepped in. "We may look like the kind of people who would ma'am, but no we didn't"

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