Chapter Five

22 2 3

Song: 505 by Arctic Monkeys


We thanked them for dinner and headed home. Jimin sat shotgun as Taehyung laid in the back of the car. Jimin turned up the radio and tapped along to the beat. We eventually made it to Jimin's house to drop him off. He thanked me for the ride home, but as he left, I noticed a small cartridge wedged between the seats. I looked closer found another tape, this one with bright pink tape on it. Before I could say anything, another car drove into Jimin's driveway.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Jin asked with a smile.

"Just dropping off Jimin. We were gonna head back home and probably call it quits for today." I replied, not wanting Jin to try to get us to go somewhere with him.

"Woah, woah, woah! No you are not! I've barely seen you guys all day! Where've you been?"

"We were out shopping. We didn't really find anything nice." I lied.

Jin nodded, "I see. Well we gotta go see this movie, like now. It's one of those beach movies, just came out like a week ago."

"Jin, we're really-"

"Let's go! Jimin, you ride with me. We'll be back by 11:00, I promise."

I sighed knowing there was no getting out of this. I followed Jin to the movie theater and practically dragged Taehyung's sleepy body out of the car.

The movie was mediocre, it wasn't horrible but so far I wasn't super invested.

A group of teenagers clad in leather appeared onscreen. All of the girls on-screen swooned, and all of the other guys practically worshipped them. Jin scoffed, "I can't believe they used to call Socs Greasers. Of course, what it means to be a Soc has definitely changed, but there's one constant." Jin paused, "Money."

"You're not wrong." I agreed, bored. I looked over at Jimin to roll my eyes, but I noticed his hand tense up.

"Jimin, are you okay?" I asked quietly. He looked up at me, and he seemed to realize what happened. His expression softened and he smiled, "Yeah, thanks."

Jin piped up again, "Hey, look at these guys," he pointed to the screen, where a gang of six showed up. Their hair was messy, their clothes were torn and dirty, and they were obviously portrayed as the antagonists. "They look like some sort of fuckin' Greaser. Can't even afford a new shirt, so they have to steal it from us." Jin scoffed.

Jimin glared at Jin and his hand tensed up again. He looked like he was about to stand up and leave right there but I quickly tried to stop him.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about, just let it go." I whispered.

"He can't just talk about them like that. I have to do something about it." Jimin whispered back harshly.

"If you do, you'll expose us all. If that happens, we'll never be able to call ourselves Socs, and we won't be able to show up anywhere near the Greasers. Let it go."

Jimin looked at me in silence for a moment and then sighed, "Okay."


Song: Stuck With Me by The Neighbourhood

I drove home with the radio playing quietly. The light rain hit my windshield as I lazily drove out of downtown. After about 10 minutes of driving, I saw my house lights from a distance. Only my older brother, Seon was home since my parents were on another vacation. As I pulled up to the house, I could hear faint music coming from inside. I walked into the living room and saw him sitting around with at least a dozen other people, smoking pot.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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