Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning at 12 and saw a few missed calls from Atcher. I grabbed my phone and went through my Instagram feed. I was watching someone's video and heard the door bell ring. I got out of bed and went downstairs and looked out the window and didn't see a car. I hesitantly opened the door and saw Atcher.

"Hi" He said

"Um hi?" I replied. Why was this so awkward?

Oh yeah, because he doesn't know what a joke is.

"I'm sorry" He let out a sigh. "I kinda overreacted"

"Kinda?" I retorted.

"Hey! I'm trying to apologize here" He defended

"Apology accepted" I said. His face showed of relief.

"So can I come inside?" He gestured to the house.

I realized I was blocking the door and moved away. "Oh yeah, come in" I realized I was still in my pajamas and hadn't brushed my teeth, because I just got out of bed.

"I'm gonna go shower, you can watch TV or something" I tossed him the remote and completely missed his hands, and it flew to the other side. "Oops"

He chuckled. "Go shower, so we can start the day that I become your servant"

"Yes sir" I exclaimed, as I ran up the stairs.

I got out of the shower and threw on Nike shorts and a white t-shirt. I slipped my glasses on and put my hair in a ponytail. I went downstairs and saw Atcher laying out on the couch, sleeping. His blue eyes that mesmerized me all the time were shut, his face relaxed as his chest moved up and down as he breathed.

I slowly crept over and pounced onto him, making him grunt in pain. I showered his face in little kisses and eventually met his lips. I straddled him and looked into his sleepy eyes. "Get up, baboon! You have to be my servant!"

"Wait, but first-" He said

"Are you gonna take a selfie?" I wondered, thinking back to that song. He fell over into laughter. I smiled at him, looking at him laughing brings joy to my face.

"No, I was gonna say give me a kiss" He said, walking closer to me. I pressed my lips to his and pulled away, before it got intense.

I clapped my hands together. "Let's get started, servant. You have to listen to everything I say" Atcher let out a sigh and ran his hand through his perfect blonde hair.

"Rule 1. You call me Madam Superhotgirl" I said.

"Where do you come up with this stuff Ad-" He asked. Before, he could finish I cut him off.

I put my finger up and moved it back and forth. "Eh eh eh"

He grunted. "Madam Superhotgirl"

"Now, Atchy poo. I want something to eat"

"Don't call me that"

I smirked. "Rule 2. I get to call you whatever I want" He rolled his eyes.

"What do you wanna eat?"

I tried to think of something fancy that he might not know how to make. "Baked Dijon Salmon"
I smirked at him.

"Are you kidding me?" He asked, looking up at me. His mouth hung open.

I started laughing. "You should've seen your face"

"Madam Superhotgirl, what do you want to eat?" Irritation evident in his voice.

"Taco Bell" I chimed. I knew it was down the street, so he'd be back quickly. He got up and grabbed his keys.

"Wait" I said, as I got up and went to my purse and pulled out money. I walked over to him and he started to back away and head towards the door.

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