10: You Aren't Him

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Akai: you seem troubled.

Rin: just... Thinking over some things... Akai...  Is that even your real name?

Akai laughed a little " no. But I don't mind. My real name is given anyway. "

Rin: I see. Akai? Cos of your... Red hair...

Akai: yup.

Rin: how random. So there's someone else called aka before?

Akai: um There used to be someone who worked here who had red eyes. She was here before me. So Zelda called her aka. then there was me... So I am akai. Hehe.

Rin: everything is for her convenience huh.

Akai: you mind it a lot?

Rin: not really. Though it's a bit rude... I've come understand she doesn't really care much of what I think.

Akai: Rin...

Rin: she always... Take such extreme measures. I don't understand whether if she really cares for others sometimes. Just like Elaine... It was so trick. I expected her to reject. I didn't think she would say yes...

Akai; miss has her own way of thinking. For me... I just stay loyal to what she wants.

Rin: even if it's wrong?

Akai: I... Don't really know right and wrong. There's always two sides of that ... So I just listen to her.

Rin: I see.

He was on his way to the balcony... That's when he spotted one of the rooms, this room that was never opened when her was here was now opened. He was curious. He took a peep in.

It was Zelda .

She was sitting on a rocking chair . She seemed to be sleeping and hugging something... Something that seemed like a picture frame. She was smiling. Not like the grins she used to have. Or the sneaky smile. Just... Happy.

He closes back the door.

Rin: akai. Do you know about that room? The one by the balcony.

Akai: you went in?!

Rin: no. I'm just curious.

Akai: don't go in ok. If miss finds out, she'll get really really angry.

Rin: I see.

One afternoon, when Zelda was sleeping, he sneaked into that room.

There was a bed. A desk against the wall.  There were also other fixtures of a bedroom. There was the rocking wooden chair in the middle of the room facing the balcony. But the room was dark, the curtains weren't drawn.

He then saw the picture frame on the desk against the wall. He goes over. He picks up the picture frame...

It looked a lot like him. But it couldn't be possible. How could someone look so much like himself. He couldn't stop looking at the picture. He then spots the carving on the bottom of the frame


He sighs and puts it down. He then opens the drawer and sees a letter. He picks it up and opens it.

Dear Zelda,
It has been days since I last saw you. I hope you're doing well without me. Sorry that I couldn't bring you on this one. I bought some baby toys for our coming baby. Please be careful dealing with your fun stuff. Hoping to see your baby birth when I return. I miss you a lot.

Love you,

Rin was shocked. He put back the letter quickly. He couldn't really understand.

That was when Zelda was at the door " why are you in here? "

Rin: I... who's niev?

Zelda face palms and sighed. She took the picture frame and sits on the rocking chair. She looks to the door " close it. " Rin does as told.

Zelda: niev is my husband. He died. Centuries ago.

Rin : what ? Centuries? That's not possible.

Zelda: niev was surely human. He was... Is... The love of my life. He protected me. Loved me. He...

She touches to the chair , remembering him... With such an endearing look , she continued " made this for me. Not perfect. But he specially went to learn how to make one. "

Rin: then the baby...

Zelda: you read that as well? Gone. I was too sad he left me.

Rin: oh... But he... He look so much like me!!!

Zelda: that's the end of our conversation. You aren't like him at all.

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