25: A Weird Kind Of Deal

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Two months later...

Rin takes over the basket of clothes from kizune " you're a guest here. You don't have to do anything. "

Kizune: I feel bad.

They walk towards the laundry room.

Rin: so how did you end up being picked up by predeci?

Kizune: I somehow accidentally went into a monster realm. I almost got eaten... Predeci saved me. Then you know the rest...

Rin: I see...

Rin places cookies and tea on the table " Zelda. Do you think it's possible for kizune to go class with me? "

Zelda: akai.

Akai comes over dragging several huge bottles of liquid " it's arrived. "

Zelda: go to school tomorrow with her. Tell her to rub this all over her body so she won't get sunburn.

Rin: so much?

Zelda: not for you.

Niev : just tell him. When kizune almost got eaten, she did get bite by a vampire. She's half now.

Rin: oh... Didn't see her drinking blood.

By now, demons and all has become normal for Rin that he no longer has reactions.

Zelda: I would be easily seen through as a demon if you could tell kizune has been drinking blood.

Niev : anyway she can't go into the sun or she'll get severely sunburnt. She will literally burn. An umbrella will be fine if without the special lotion. But... We have PE. Impossible to avoid the sun.

Rin: that's true.

Zelda: don't tell kanashita tomoya her sister is found.

Rin: why?

Niev: because you can't explain how you found her.

Rin: then...

Niev: don't worry. He'll ask for her through zel. I've brainwashed him for a little while. We'll give him back through a deal.

Rin: ok...

Rin: you'll be able to reunite with your brother soon.

Kizune: that's great. Rin... Erm... Thank you .

Rin: for what?

Kizune blushes a little " taking care of me... These days. " Rin blushed a little as well " well... I er... Will miss your company. "

Kizune: I'll come back to visit you !! I promise!!

Rin: oh... Ok !! You promised.

Niev secretly laughs " so cute. "

Zelda: Rin and kizune.

Niev: can't we have kizune longer? They are so cute. Especially Rin. I kinda owe him.

Zelda sighs " you have so many requests. "

" Thank you. " He carries her in his arms " to my rocking chair. "

Zelda: my!!... Rocking chair.

Niev: and you are mine.

Tomoya pulls Zelda to a corner " Miuegel. "

Zelda: kanashita. What's the matter?

Tomoya: good to see you in class today

Zelda: I guess.

Tomoya: I have a request. But I have no money. I was hoping you could provide me an offer I could perform in exchange for my request.

Zelda: .... What request?

Tomoya : to find my sister. Kanashita kizune. Is it... Possible?

Zelda: yes. Very possible. Nothing can be difficult for me.

Tomoya's eyes widens in a little happiness " then then... Offer..."

Zelda: I'm lacking a full time labourer in my house. Another servant, butler, however you seem fit to call yourself. You'll be paid two times a normal office job worker gets. And you have to stay at my house.  This is condition one.

Tomoya: what else?

Zelda: you'll continue to go school, I'll pay. Condition two, whatever happens in my house are secrets. Untalkable to outside people.

Tomoya: ok...

Zelda : condition three. This is a full life contract. Of course... Unless you prove yourself more capable than just serving me.

Tomoya: full life... Ha... Nagashi did say your deals are... Weird and... Arrogant.

Zelda: think about it. Full life serving me . Two times the pay than outside gets. It could be said that it's a better deal than going out for interviews and you won't even get a job good as mine when you graduate .

Tomoya: true... What you said ... The salary. It's true?

Zelda: plus. You get your sister.

Tomoya : why will you be so nice to me?

Zelda: I have my own reasons. Rin gets the same pay as you. I don't know what he does with his money though.

Tomoya: fine. I'll take it.

Zelda : good to have done business with you. See you later. After school, return with Rin and Nagashi.

Tomoya: alright.

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