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This imagine was required by missfuturefeliztop thanks for the request. I hope you like it. I'm sorry it took so long.
Hayley had just broken up with her boyfriend. The only problem with that is now she had nowhere to live. You being Hayley's best friend had offered your spare room to her. She said yes, so know you're here regretting that decision. "Why do you have so many things?" You whin. "Oh (Y/N) don't be like that," Hayley says with a smile. "We get to be roommates now."
You thought of all the times you guys would talk about moving in together. Over the years it just seemed impossible. With Hayley on tour and you back in Nashville it just never happened till today. Out of the blue Hayley calls saying she broke up with her boyfriend and needed a place to stay. You were skeptical at first because she and Chad seemed so happy but I guess not.
Hayley was amazed by your home. The decor, color of the walls, the layout everything. It was strange she never was into that stuff before. "I'll take this up to the room." You said letting Hayley get a look for her new home. It was small but not too small. It had a second floor if that counts. "I'll help! I want to see my new room anyways!" Hayley yelled since you were already up the stairs.

Two Weeks Later

Hayley had been acting strange lately. She was being distant and not wanting to hang out. You were worried about Hayley and decided to talk to her. "Hey, Hayley we need to talk." You said. You were quite nervous about it. "Yeah, sure, what do you want to talk about?" Hayley asked, sitting on a stool in the kitchen. "Just... Why have you been ignoring me? Have I done something wrong?" Hayley just looked at you then said "No, (Y/N) I'm not okay. I love you. I love you more than a friend. Okay, I'm freaking in love with you but you go and start dating some dude not but two days after I move in." Hayley yelled at you. She was so angry. You had never seen her this mad. "I'm not dating Matt." You said not really sure what to say. "That's it! That's all you have to say! I'm not dating Matt! Bullshit, you're not dating Matt." Hayley said as she stormed out of the kitchen. You followed her up the stairs. "Hayley look I didn't mean it like that. I was just shocked." You said. Hayley didn't get up from her bed. She just stared at the wall. "I love you too Hayley."
That's all you had to say. Hayley looked at you with a hopeful look and you nodded your head. She pulled you into a hug. Y'all sat and watched some movies that night just enjoying each others presence.

Hayley Williams Oneshots (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now