Bad Nights Turn Into Special Mornings

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Hayley's Journal Enter

(Y/N) has been going out a lot lately. I'm kinda worried about it because she's hanging out with Sam again. I've always tried to support (Y/N) and the choices she makes but I just can't this time. I worried that Sam will take (Y/N) away for me again. I love (Y/N) with all my heart but I can't bear the thought that she's hanging out with that girl. Sam's so nasty. Every time (Y/N) invites me to come out with her (because everyone else is bringing a date) she's always being real touchy-feely with (Y/N). I got to a point that I don't go when I'm invited. I just stay home with Alf. I'm going to tell (Y/N) about this when she comes home.

(Y/N)'s POV
I was at this new club that Sam dragged me to. I honestly wasn't enjoying myself what so ever. Sam was hounding me to drink the shot she bought me. I was not having it though, "I'm not downing that shot!" I yelled over the music. I honestly just wanted to go home. It was fun the first few times but after going out every weekend for a month your girl was tired. "I'm going home," I said to Sam, "Why? Aren't you having fun?" "Honestly, no. " I said walking past her to the door.

At Home

I walked in the door expecting Alf to run up to me. He always waits for me to get home. He didn't this time. "He must have fallen asleep," I thought. I walked to the kitchen, desperate for some kind of drink. I grabbed a bottle of water and headed up the stairs to change. As I walked into Hayley and I's bedroom I saw that she wasn't in bed. "Probably with some friends", I thought. I changed and sat on the bed. I texted Hayley as I took a drink of my water. Simply texting "When did you become a social butterfly? Get home safe." I decided to go to bed. I couldn't wait to see my love in the morning.

The Morning

I heard a big crash downstairs, it woke me up suddenly. I frantically ran downstairs to make sure Hayley hadn't tripped over her feet again. We don't need to go to the Emergency Room today! As I got downstairs I see Hayley picking up a pan from the floor. "She's making breakfast?" I thought. "Is everything okay?" I asked. I was scared of her answer. "Yeah, everything is fine. Go back to bed." Hayley said sternly. "Okay?" That's all I said before I walked upstairs. I wonder what's wrong with her? She probably had a bad night. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower, I'm up might as well stay up.

Hayley's POV
I can't believe her! She thinks she can just waltz her way into this kitchen like last night didn't happen. She knows how much I dislike Sam. I can't do this anymore, I'm going to finish breakfast and I have to talk to (Y/N).

30 minutes later

(Y/N) had just gotten out of the shower and dried her hair. She's walking down the stairs, this is your chance. "(Y/N), we need to talk," I said confidently. I knew this wasn't going to go well but I had to do it. "Hayley, what is it? Are you okay?" (Y/N) sounded so concerned in that moment. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just really need to ask you something." I said, my voice starting to shack a little. "Go own Hayley." (Y/N) encouraged. She knew I was getting nervous. I walked in front of her, getting on one knee. "(Y/N) I know you hate sappy shit so this is going to be straightforward." I could see (Y/N) eyes start to tear up a bit. "(Y/N) will you marry me?" It was probably the worst and best question I could ask her at this moment, in this time of our life. I had no idea how she would respond if she would even say yes. All I knew was that it was right for me, that's all that mattered. "Yes." (Y/N) whispered. She whispered it like it was our little secret. We were each other secrets for a long time. Small dates at are homes. Never really going out. No PDA, nothing. It was just something we knew, and are friends. That's how we liked it. I felt like it was time to take that little secret a little farther. She repeated "yes" over and over till she on her knees with me. We hugged and laid on our kitchen floor. Knowing that this was the end of one thing and the beginning of another. I will forever love (Y/N). She will forever be mine. And she will forever be my muse.

Hey Guys! I hope you like this image. I think it's really cute. I was freaking as I wrote it because Hayley proposed. I also want to say thank you for 600+ reads. It's so insane, that many people have read my book. Thank you all. Bye!

Hayley Williams Oneshots (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now