You make my day worth living

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Hayley's POV
  "Hayley!?" The barista yelled. My coffee was ready. Black with just a little sugar. I walked to the counter and picked it up. As I walked out I headed to the library. I don't really go there to read or anything. There's a girl there that writes on her laptop. She's why I go.

(Y/N)'s POV
I sat at my normal spot. The library was pretty empty today. I guess Monday's aren't a busy day. As I started to type in my password a girl can in. I'd seen her before, staring. I think she only comes so she can look at me. I don't mind but I wish she would talk to me. That's what my book had kinda become about. Wanting her to speak to me, even just a little "sorry" would be fine. I'm going to go speak to her.
I waited before making my move. She had sat down with a book, sipping her drink. I'm going to move over there. When I sat down she looked up and gave me a small smile. "Hi," I said. "I noticed you come here often." She had some fear in her eyes but said "Yeah, its nice and quiet. I can think." Hayley put a strand of her hair behind her ear, "I'm Hayley." "(Y/N)"

After chatting for a little bit we decided to go to lunch together. Just a little café down the street. I had learned that she's in a band and had gotten off your about a month ago. I shared that I'm an aspiring writer. She smiled. "That sounds exciting. What do you write about?" I guess it's time to spill the beans, as they say. "I'm currently writing about this one girl that spends her time at a library so she can look at a girl she thinks is pretty." I may have been to straight forward. "Oh, I think I should go." Hayley looked sad as she got up, "No, that's not what I meant!" I said, "I'm the girl that goes to look at the pretty girl. You're the pretty girl in my story." She's going to think I'm a creep but at least she might bit leave. "Really?" Harley asked with a sigh if reassurance. "Yes, so dessert?"

*One Week Later*

I walked into the library and there sitting at the table I usually sit at was Hayley. "She's early", I thought. As I walked to her she looked around. Once she saw me her face lit up. Hayley jumped up and walked towards me. "Hey." She whisper shouted. "Hey, let's sit." I offer. Hayley watched me as I typed in the password. She sipped her black coffee. She watched as I typed on my laptop and read a book she had picked out. "Hey, you want to go to lunch early?" Hayley asked. "Yeah, that would be great actually. I skipped breakfast." We walked to are usually lunch spot, hand in hand. Things had gotten a little romance this past week. I don't really want to make the first move.

  We walked in and sat at our favorite spot. I ordered a salad and iced tea while Hayley got a veggie burger and water. After we eat we just sat and talked for a bit. "(Y/N), this has probably been the best week of my life and I just want you to know that you make my day worth living. Every day I wake up and know I'll get to see you at the library and have lunch later that day. You've made my life so much brighter and I just want to thank you and ask you something." Hayley said her little speech then went to grab my hands. "I wanted to ask you if you'd be my girlfriend?" I couldn't believe it. Hayley was making the first move. I started to tear up a bit. Not like snot running down the nose crying but enough for a tear or two to roll down my check. This whole week had been amazing. "Yes." I simply said. Full on crying at this point. My cheeks being socked. Hayley leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. I wasn't a French kiss for anything. Just a peck. A long and veggie burger-y peck. It probably tasted like iced tea on my part though. This was probably the most magical week I've ever had. I can't wait for even more magical weeks. We leaned back into our seats and I said: "So, dessert?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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