Getting Lost

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You had agreed to move in with your long distance girlfriend Hayley. Moving all the way from Nevada to Tennessee. Let's just say you weren't excited about the drive there. It was almost a 26-hour drive. With taking time to sleep, it would be a good two and a half days. Hayley wanted to fly to Nevada to drive up with you. You refused though, saying that it would just be a waste of money and time. So, now three hours into your drive you regret your decision. Wishing that Hayley was there to make time go by faster. You turn the radio on to see that they were playing a Paramore song. Definitely not helping my situation. You change the station.

It was the next day, still driving. Hayley had called and you had your phones blue tooth hooked up to your car. "I wish you had let me come," Hayley starts, "You would be having so much more fun and would have more company." "I wish you were here too, baby." You respond. This trip had suck big time. It was all worth it so you could live with Hayley though. Not being long distance would be amazing. "You'll be here soon though right?" Hayley asked. "Yeah not too much longer. I'll be there tonight, I think." You say reinsuring Hayley.

By the time you got there, it was pitch black out. You could barely see anything. Being kinda lost you get your phone to look up directions. It wouldn't connect to your data. "Fuck" you declare. You wing your way to some sketchy area. You decide that it's best to call Hayley. "Where are you?" Harley says, sounding kinda scared. "I don't really know, I'm lost." You say feeling quite guilty. "You're Lost! Oh, my God, what are you around, " Hayley particle yelled into the phone.

That's what began the hour process of Hayley trying to help you get to her place, by phone. It was long, tiring, and probably not worth it to most people but to you, it meant the world. You were so happy to finally see Hayley again. To hug her, kiss her, and even cuddle her. You were both so happy. You changed and jumped into your new bed. You too cuddled and talked till you both fell asleep. Nothing else in the world matter but that moment. The first moment of a new beginning.

Hayley Williams Oneshots (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now