Gamer Girl's Girlfriend

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(Y/N)'s POV
I had been sick for a few days now. But as a pretty big streamer on Twitch, my watches were wondering when I was going to finish playing Undertale. Or when I was even going to stream again. My girlfriend, Hayley, had been seeing everyone's tweets and decided to pitch me an idea. One that I had said no to before, a full Hayley stream. With me being sick I really couldn't say no. She pitched it to me in the cutest way by making my vegetable soup with alphabet pasta and asking me after. I just couldn't say no.

I had set everything up for Hayley. I made a copy of my game file so she could play where I left off but I could also go back and play it on my own time. I made some commands so people in chat could put "!Hayley" and it would alternate from giving her Twitter, GoodDyeYoung's website, and Paramore's website. I made sure my webcam was working then I laid in the couch that I had in my office. I had tweeted about the stream and started it. 10 minutes on the timer. Hayley had gone to make herself a cup of tea before the stream started. When it did start Hayley exampled that I was sick and that she was taking over my stream. Then she started the game. You hadn't told Hayley anything about Undertale or where you were in the game. So she had some fun with that.

Hayley's POV
"I'm really excited guys," I said to the chat. "(Y/N) is laying on the couch in the room to supervise me. We're still going to have tons of fun today though, don't worry." As I ended my sentence you could see (Y/N)'s foot lift up in the are signaling that she was there. "So I've been told we are playing Undertale. I know the games really popular but I've never played it before and I'm starting where (Y/N) was so this should be fun!"

"Okay, so we're in some sort of hotel or something by the looks of the outside building. I think I'm going to go talk to this guy." I was actually really nerves to be on (Y/N)'s stream alone. It had always been me and her. This was going to be interesting. "Okay, this character is wanting to go to dinner with us. (Y/N) what type of game is this?" I said looking over at her. She laughed and said to "Just say yes!" "Were going on a day people!" I said to chat. What even is this game? what has (Y/N) made me play?

"This restaurant is very dark and gloomy." "So, your journeys almost over, hun?" I read. "So this games almost done, (Y/N)?" I looked over and she was asleep. "Guys, I know you can't see this but (Y/N) asleep!" I say. I read a lot of "Awws" and "Lols" from the chat. "So since she's asleep so you guys maybe mind if I try to switch to This Sims or something? I understand that game more." I asked, plenty of people said yes while some said no. I changed the game and we had about an hour stream of fun Sims play before I ended it.

"I'm sorry I didn't play Undertale like Y'all wanted but without (Y/N) awake I would have definitely been lost the whole time." I ended the stream with a goodbye and turned (Y/N)'s computer off. I turned all the lights off and laid beside her on the couch. Falling asleep a little after.

Hayley Williams Oneshots (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now