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(Authors note: persons you'll meet in this chapter;

Stefan Salvatore ^^ (may be known from the vampire diaries, but in the story he is not a vampire and he is a bit younger than in the picture))

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Stefan Salvatore ^^ (may be known from the vampire diaries, but in the story he is not a vampire and he is a bit younger than in the picture))

3 weeks Later

Everything was going good. School was great and everything except one thing. French had been shot down for a while because the teacher had been sick I think. In the school you can choose wether you want French or Spanish but I choose French because that was what I learned in England.

Ben and I had been planning our trip. We had set a date and we would ride around Tasmania.

"You are healthy and nothing is wrong with you, but I have this for you." Jack had said and had given me a diary. Very nice and old school-ish. Which is why I am sitting on a random cafe and writing and the diary.

Dear diary,

Today have been good. Nothing has really happened and I don't really have anything to tell about. I'm just empty.

I ripped the side out and laid it on the table. Why would I even write if I didn't had anything to write?

The wind was fresh and I was sitting out side. Suddenly, the wind took my paper and flew it across the street, which was small and with not much traffic. I gasped and ran after it. I focused on the papers on the ground only and saw a pair of shoes stopping in front of them and a hand picked them up. I looked up to see a boy with brown hair and green/brownish eyes. He might be a little older than me but probably not more than a year.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Just uhm... a weird page from my diary.." I said and rand my hand through my hair.

"Your ripping out pages from your diary? That is crossing the diary rules." He said.

"Oh you mean, the unwritten rules that doesn't exist?" I joked.

"They're not unwritten, look." He said and showed me a website. All diary rules were on there.

"It's probably your website." I grinned. He smiled to me.

"I'm Stefan." He said and handed me the papers back.

"I'm Mackenzie." I said and smiled. "Do you uhm... want some juice or anything or are you busy?" I asked and pointed back at the cafe.

"I would like juice." He smiled and went with me back to the table. I quickly ordered him a juice and we sat down by the table. I put the pages of the diary back in and closed the book.

"So Stefan, which school do you go to?" I asked and looked at him.

"Oh I'm on South Sydney High School." He said. The waitress came with his juice and he thanked her.

"Really? I'm there too."

"Really?" He asked.


"Do you remember your schedule?" He asked looking at me.

"Yeah, I have French every Wednesday morning but the teacher have been sick lately." I said.

"I have French Wednesday morning too." He said and smiled widely.

"What a case." I laughed. He nodded and we talked back and forth about everything. He finished up his juice.

"I should probably get going." He said. "But I'll see you at school."

"Yeah sure." I said and he then left. He was nice and out of all sudden, I had tons of things to write in my diary.

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