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One week later

Today was Wednesday and I had just got a package from the school. I had brought it to my room.

"Jack?!" I called out.


"Wanna come see what's inside the package?!" I asked.

"Coming!" He yelled and I soon heard footsteps coming. He pushed the door open and sat in front of me on the floor with the box between us. I cut it open and opened it up fully. In the top was a book with the title:

Yearbook 2017

I looked through it quickly. Seeing a lot of different students. I then took a folder from the box and read my schedule. Of course there were a couple of things I wasn't satisfied with, but I just accepted it because it wasn't that bad.

"What do you think?" Jack asked.

"It's okay." I said without looking at him. I grabbed the key to my locker from the box.

"313." I said.


"The number of my locker is 313." I explained. Jack made and O-shape with his mouth like he just realized what I meant. I then looked in the box seeing a blue PE uniforms. Blue jacket, blue t-shirt, blue shoes, blue shorts and blue socks.

"This is going to be good." I said and smiled to Jack. He smiled back. He placed a quick kiss on my forehead.

"Just remember to keep your brain cells in there." He said. I laughed as he walked out. I sighed happily.

I decided to set up my next phone. The iPhone 7 that Andrew got me. It was a red one. I downloaded all my old apps on it and texted Andrew.

To: Andrew
From: Mackenzie

Hey, just started my phone up. It works perfectly. Thank you so much.

To: Mackenzie
From: Andrew

Everything for you little red head.

I smiled. Some people made fun of my red hair back in England. When it was winter, they had thrown snow at me and said "stop the fire!!"

I never took at as bullying but it was annoying. I felt myself getting more and more nervous for everyday to go to the new school. I hoped Jack was right. I hoped I would get lots of friends.

I decided to call Luke on FaceTime on my new phone.

"Hey." Luke smiled through the screen. There was people talking in the background.

"Michael!! Give me my sandwich!!" Someone screamed.

"Never!" The Michael guy screamed back.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Hanging out with the band. Boys shut up!!" He yelled to them.

"Who are you talking to?" Someone asked.

"Kenzie." He said. All the other 3 came into the picture. "Kenz, this is Ashton, Michael and Calum." Luke said.

"Hi!" They grinned in sync.

"Hi!" I greeted. "Anyways I wanted to tell you that I'm starting in school Friday."

"Really? That's cool! Which one?" Calum asked.

"South Sydney High School. I just hope everything will be good. I hope to get friends." I said nervously.

"Sure you'll get friends!" Ashton said cheerfully.

"Thanks guys."

"Look Kenz, we really have to go." Luke said.

"Okay bye." I said and waved.

"Bye." He waved back and hung up. I sighed happily. I'm lucky to have such guys in my life.

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