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I walked to the opposite site of Stefan and saw blood running from his back. I took a tissue and gently wiped it away. I was being very careful of not hurting him further, however he hissed weakly from pain and flinched.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, knowing how fucking bad he was feeling. "Stefan, I'm going to put a cotton ball over okay? I'll be as fast as possible."

I grabbed a cotton ball and put it over the bleeding spot.

"Ow." Stefan hissed and his breath got quicker.

"Relax Stefan, relax." I told him and taped the cotton ball down. I walked back to him again and saw Tears silently rolling down his tears. I felt my heart snap and I sat down next to him.

"It's gonna be over before you know." I told him. I gently wiped his tears away with my thumb and the doctor came back into the room with a file.

"Here's the result.." the doctor said. I looked at him. "Stefan has a case of meningitis. It was discovered early and is curable in his case. We will give him some antibiotics and if he is reacting positively, he will be able to go home in less than 3 hours." I nodded. I knew that meningitis was deathly in some cases and I was relieved that this wasn't one of them and that Stefan would be absolutely fine. I held Stefan's arm out for the doctor and he quickly did an IV in the crook of it. Stefan didn't even seemed to notice.. or else he was just too weak to complain. The doctor filled the IV bag with antibiotics and I watched it slowly getting emptied. I stroked Stefan's hair.

"Stefan?" I asked. Stefan weakly looked at me. "I'm gonna go get some coffee and let you get some peace so you can get better. I'll be back soon." I said. Stefan gave me a weak nod before closing his eyes. I left him alone and went to the cafeteria.

"Sir?" A nurse came to me as I sat by a table on my own in the cafeteria. I looked at her and nodded.

"Are you mr. Hemmings?" She asked. I nodded to her, sitting up straight. "Stefan is ready to get home now. He is still weak and he still has a slight fever but he just needs to sleep that off."

I nodded and smiled. I was happy that all of this soon was over. I left the coffee cup at the table and went to Stefan's room again, seeing him asleep on the bed and his IV out of his arm, the spot covered with a bandaid. I picked him up from the bed.

"Thank you sir." I said and nodded respectfully to the doctor.

"My pleasure. Take care."

I nodded and carried Stefan to the car. The drive was was more calm now. Stefan was sleeping the entire way but I was still glancing at him in the mirror to see if he was okay.

As soon as we got home, I carried him to his room and tucked him up in bed.

"Get better buddy." I whispered and left the room.

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