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We arrived to the hospital and rushed inside. Luke ran to his mom who was waiting in the waiting area with his dad. They cried. Luke cried, grandma cried and grandpa cried. Grandma let go of Luke and passed him to grandpa. She went to me and hugged me tightly. I saw Ben come back with coffee and he hugged Luke.

"You go see him first okay? Ben, Andrew, Luke and I have to speak to the doctor and the boys will wait outside okay?" She whispered and I nodded.

We went to his room. The door was closed. Luke, Ben, grandma and grandpa went with the doctor and the boys waited outside the room. Calum gave me a supportive smile as I was allowed to go into the room by a nurse. She opened the door for me and I entered with slow and careful steps as if I would make more harm by moving faster.

It was all so white and bright. Why? So that the death wouldn't seems so dark for the dying patients? I heard that bright colors are giving a better sleep. Maybe by painting the walls white, the small kids going into surgery, would find it easier to sleep?

In the room was a bed. The annoying noise from the heart monitor wasn't so Annoying anymore because I knew that it was keeping my dad alive. Jack was laying on the bed covered by a white blanket, dressed in a light blue hospital gown. His hair was messy, and he had cuts and scratches in his face. A oxygen mask was placed over his mouth and nose and he was breathing peacefully. And yet it seemed so painful.

I felt my throat tighten and the tears welling into my eyes. I sat by his side on a chair grabbing his arm.

"Wake up." I whispered and nothing happened. I shook his arm gently.

"Wake up." I repeated. This time a little higher, with tears down my cheeks and I shook his arm harder.

"Wake up please! Please wake up please!" I almost screamed as I cried. It was so painful to see him laying there, so lifeless. I felt someone pull me up from the chair gently, turning me around and pulling my into their hold. I recognized the smell of Calum and I leaned my head onto his chest as I looked to the side to see Jack. I cried and Calum shushed me, kissing my head softly.

"C-Cal.." I cried.

"I know.." he said. I cried hard, almost screaming. "Come on." He said, leading me out from the room.

"N-no! No cal-lum!" I cried and protested as he closed the door behind us. He held me tightly.

"What happened to him? He will be okay right?" I sobbed. Michael knelt down in front of me, taking my hands.

"Baby girl.. Jack is in a coma. Another car ran red light and drove into him. He is alive, he's just not... awake.." he said, trying to stay calm for me.

"When will he wake?" I asked.

"I don't know princess." He said and kissed my head.

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