Chapter 6

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In the airport, i seem to be able to breath again. Like someone had closed my lungs and i was struggeling to get air but now it has been open and i don't have to fight to get it anymore.

Almost 3 months away from school and i'm spending 3 weeks of it with my best friend in Argentina. Seriously, what else could i ask for?

Everything's perfect right now and not even the shadows can ruin this.

After passing all the stress that you usually have to go through to get to the airplane, me and Kayley get to the departure gate.

I actually think that walking in that tube that connects the airport to the plane is something fun to do.

I'm not a supersticious person, but there's one thing i always do when i travel: stepping on the plane with my right foot, for good luck.

Kayley saw what i did and she did it too. So we went to find our sits. Kayley puts the lugagge on the cabin and then she sits right next to me. We're in the left side of the aircraft. And i'm at the window.

I like to see the plane going up, it usually gives me headache but i don't really care.

As soon as we get above the clouds, Kayley falls asleep. It is something that everybody do in airplanes. You may have slept all day long but when you get to the airplane, you sleep again. I have this theory that you do that because 1) planes are pretty boring and in a flight like this, that takes more then 5 hours, you have nothing to do so you just sleep. Or 2) it's because of the time zone.

I think i should sleep too. But not now.

Not that i'd be able to anyway. The shadows catch my attention again. But i won't let it ruin my vacation.

"You won't ruin this." I whisper, more as a reminder to myself than as a "warning" to the shadows.

I get earplugs and connect it to my seat. There are movies i can watch in here. I pick one and i let it start.

Kayley wasn't snoring, but the guy behind me was. A loud snor. The guy's snor was so loud that it didn't let me hear the characters in the movie talking, that's how loud it was.


Because that'd be rude.

So i just tried to let it go. Which wasn't that easy, but he stop snoring somewhere between "it'll stop eventually" and "i want kill him."

Those were my thoughts.

When the movie was over, i tried to listen to some music in my Ipod, just, this time, i was too tired to do anything else but sleep.


I'm walking down the street. I'm not alone, but nobody seem to notice that i'm here. People are walking and running and i'm crowed. I don't know how many people are here, but i know they're a lot.

People keep running into me, it's like i'm invisable. They don't look AT me, they look THROUGH me. They don't say sorry, it's like i'm not even here.

Still, it doesn't really bug me. I keep walking, i don't even have a destination, i just walk in the direction everyone else is.

Until now, i haven't noticed it was raining. I don't have a umbrella, but i don't care. All i want to do is walk, and that's what i do.

My clothes are more then wet and my hair is soaked. I barely notice, i just walk until i run into someone.

"Sorry." I say forgetting that i'm invisable to everyone.

But then i look at the person. Well, it isn't a person. It's the dark hooded figure.

I'm not invisable to it and never, in my whole life i wished that i was so much like i wish it now.

I start to run in the opositr direction. I'm already breathless but the will of wanting to get away from it is far stronger then my will to breath.

But it follows me. It follows me too easily. I look back at it's feet.

It doesn't have any.

It's floating. And it's so close to me, i feel a cold wind, it's blowing.

So i run faster and faster. Then i reach a bridge. When it catches me, the bridge closes. Black big doors close it's endings. But the sides are open. Yet, i don't know what to do. The only thing i can think of is death.

I am going to die.

I turn myself to see the dark hooded figure, then i take small step backs until i reach one of the sides of the brige. It gets even closer.

Then i feel all the weight of my body going away. I'm as light as a father, but there's no wind, so i stay still. Until the dark hooded figure blows again and i fall off the brige.

Then, all the weight is back.

I see a road under the bridge. Even if the cars weren't there, the force of the impact would still kill me.

I'm falling too fast. So fast that i don't even notice when i hit the ground. And so i'm gone. Cars pass but i'm already dead.

No fear. No pain. No struggle.

I'm just dead.


I wake up almost sweating. A scream is ready to get out of my mouth. But i hold it as soon as i notice i'm in the airplane.

Kayley's still sleeping. We still have more 2 hours and a half until we get to Buenos Aires, i think i'll stay awake till then.

Kayley's in a position that looks like a cat taking it's nap. It's actually cute. But she stars snoring. Although it isn't as nearly as loud as that man's snor. I can't believe he's still snoring as loud as he was when i went to sleep.

But it doesn't take long for her to wake up. I was watching This Means War when she calls me.

"Yay, you woke up." I laugh but she just yawns.

"Sleeping in the airplane's horrible!" She points out. "I'm damn tired and my neck hurts..."

"Only one more hour till we get there Kayley. Then you can sleep in a real bed, with big pillows and soft blankets." I joke.

"That," she says. "is currently my ultimate goal."

We laugh. But then the guy's snor gets even louder. I seriously thought that was impossible.

Something that's just as impossible is that NOBODY but me and Kayley hear this thing.

"Can't this guy stop snoring??" Kayley asks.

"Kayley, i think he'd been snoring ever since he put his feet in this aircraft." She laughs.

"Well, it won't be that long until we get to Buenos Aires, so it'll not be that hard." She points out.

"I hope so." We laugh.

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