Chapter 15

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Why black? Why it couldn't be red? Or yellow? Or even pink?! This place is creeping me out.

Kayley is still tied up, so i take the ropes off her.

"Thanks." She say, feeling a bit reliefed and rubbing her wrists.

"No problem." I answer looking everywhere to see if Carson's here.

He was the one who sent all those shadows for me, he was the one who gave me all the scary nightmares. He was the one who was trying to get me insane, but luckily that last part didn't work out.

"He isn't here." Kayley add.

"I'm not so sure..." I say still looking around.

We start to walk around but there's a limit in what i thought to be an endless blackness. I touch all the walls. If it has a floor, i'm guessing there is a ceiling.

So we're trapped inside a cube. A black looking cube.

"Anna, i don't like this." Kayley starts to breath heavly.

She's claustrophobic and this place is quite small.

"Calm down Kayley, sit and take deep breaths." She do as i say and i sit next to her. "In, out, in and out."

She exhales and inhales, exhales and inhales...

We have to control ourselves right now. Fear won't help here.

Kayley doesn't call down though. Fobia is the irracional fear of something. Kayley is not thinking racionally because she fears small places and she is inside one right now.

All i do is hug her. I don't know what else to do, she's basically panicking.

When Kayley's about to lose it, the scenary changes. Then i start to breath heavly.

The place is filled with poisunus snakes. I hate snakes. I fear snakes, if i was in Divergent, this would be my fear landscape.

"Anna, don't look at them, look at me." She stands up, and so so i. She puts her hands on my shoulders forcing me to look at her.

"Help." I say, or at least i think i said that.

Then i start to panic. I can't be here. But no, there's no way out! We're surrounded by snakes... There's snakes everywhere.



There are snakes.


"Anna, please look at me!" She points to her eyes. But all i can look at is the snakes.

Then, i hear a laugh. "This is too funny."


I want to scream. I want to yell at him, i want to kill him. But i'm too terrified to even move.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Kayley yells at him for me.

"I just want to play." I can picture him giving a sarcastic smile.

"Where are you, you fucking coward?" She replays. "Why don't you show me your face so i can bet you up, huh?"

"So you want a hand in hand combate?" I can feel the voice moving. But i'm still more focused in the snakes.

They're almost climbing me, they're too close.

I don't scream, i don't cry but my voice cracks every time i try to say something. I can't do anything because i'm terrified.

Kayley and Carson keep talking but i don't hear or say anything.

All i care about right now are the snakes.

Snakes that already got to my legs and are climbing me, and making me breath heavly, making me afraid to open my mouth or do any other small movement.

"Kayley! I could really use some help right now." I say shaking.

"Sorry Anna." She says and hurries in taking the snakes out of my sight.

When all the snakes are gone, thank God, Carson appears. But he's far from us. I can still see him though.

"You are too easy to scare!" He laughs.

We don't say anything.

Then the scene changes again, and we're back in the prison but Kayley is tied up again.

"What the fuck?" I whisper.

"I take that back, you are too naive." He says with that evil smile in his face. Now i can see Carson even more clearly.

But i wish i couldn't.

He's almost all skeleton, only his head is normal. And he has the black cape, but it's longer.

In my nightmares, the dark hoded figure had his head covered by the cape. That's why i never noticed that it was Carson.

He whistls and more black solid things come right at us, Kayley starts to scream but i can't say or do anything. Because i'm not with Kayley and Carson anymore.

I'm not inside that prison.

I'm not seeing anything that i was seeing 1 minutes ago.

I walk around, looking at complete brightness.

All i've seen for the last 2 or 3 months was blackness and basically terror.

Now everything's calm, and bright. The exact opposit.

But still i'm scared. I don't know where i am.

How did i even get here?

"Anna." I hear a voice.

Even though i can't really remember it, i know, somehow, that that's my mom's voice.

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