Chapter 16

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"Mom?" I say

"Yes sweetie." She answers

"W-Where are you?" I ask.

"With you." She says calmly and warmly. "In your heart."

"But i can't see you." I say.

"I'm still with you, i never left." She says.

My mom isn't anywhere. I'm all alone in a infinity of whiteness. That's enough for me.

I notice i'm back in the prison with Kayley by my side.

I thought i was alone, that i'd fail. Kayley doesn't know what Carson is capable of, i told her my nightmares, but she wasn't the one feeling the terror, the agony...

My mom's with me. And that's all i could ask for.

The solid black things keep attacking us, and yes they hurt, a lot. Both Kayley and i have some bleeding wounds.

I get close to her, and place my hands in her shoulders. She's screaming and terrified, and that's all Carson wants.

"Kayley, look at me. Listen to me!" I yell so she can hear me.

She stops screaming and her eyes stare at me.

"You've got to calm down okay? We are terrified and scared, that just gives him more power over us! We need to stay calm!" I say and between all the noise that the shadows are making, i thought she wouldn't hear, but she did.

We both sit down in a yoga possition and take deep breaths.

I hold her hand and we keep breathing calmly.

She solid shadows still "fly" around us, but they can't touch us anymore.

With my eyes closed, i keep all the bad thought away.

"It's working Anna!" Kayley says.

"I know! Keep going." I encourage.

We keep doing that until the solid shadows break. They literally break into million of black pieces. Pieces that surround us, making a perfect circle.

"Well done." Carson claps his hands ironically.

"What are you going to do now huh?" Kayley yells.

"This." He gets close to her and throws her agaisnt the wall.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I scream waiting Kayley to make a move, any move.

But she doesn't.

I get close to her, i calm myself when i see she's breathing.

"People create monsters to scare children when they've done something bad. I never believed them, but now i do. Because i am seeing one." I say coldly.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." He smirks.

"It is." I grin my teeth.

"You won't get away." He says.

"Yes i will." I defy him.

"I guess that's a changelle." He gets closer to me.

He gets way too close. I can smell his breath. I'm not sure what death smells like or if it even smells, but his breath may smell something like it.

This is disguisting!

I do the first thing that i can think off: kick him in the balls. But until then, i forget he doesn't have any balls because he's made of FUCKING BONES!!

But he does feel something, not as hurtful as pain, but he felt something.

He's trying to disguise it, but i know better.

"Oh, so now i made something right, did i?" Now i smirk.

Then, something comes to my mind. He's made entirely - expect for the head - of bones.

I get down and pull one of his bones from his right leg as hard as i can. He losses balance and almost falls.

"What are you doing?!" Now he's the one looking terrified.

I don't answer, i pull another bone and then he falls.

"Stop it!" He tries to fight but surprisingly, he's out of strengh.

I pull more bones until nothing is left of him, nothing but the head.

"What have you done?!" It's scary that he can still talk or be alive at all, but not so scary as it would've been 4 months ago.

"Just stopped you from killing me and my friend." I smilled.

I put his head on the floor above a gate that only closes if you pull it down.

I didn't put it in there with the intention of killing it, but the gate closed and the head gets crushed.

I don't think i'll take that imagine out of my mind any time soon.

But at least he stopped talking.

"Kayley!" I scream and get to her body that's uncontious.

Since Kayley's skinnier than me, it isn't a problem to get her out of there.

Elizabeth drives as fast as she can to get to the nearest hospital.

When we get there, Kayley's still uncontious but they let me stay in her room.

She eventually wakes up, two days later.

"Anna?" She says putting her hand on her forehead. "What happened?"

"It's over Kayley." I smile.

"What's over? Arg i don't remember anything from 4 days ago." She asks. Maybe she has amnesia.

The doctor enters and confirms that. Then he leaves and Kayley gives me a look that suggests that she still wants a answer.

"Let's just say i won't have nightmares again." We both smile this time.

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