Chapter 8

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When i wake up the next morning, i see that the shadows are above me, all of them. I feel sufocated, like someone's with their hands around my neck trying to kill me. I bring myself to get up and they seem scared of my sudden movement.

"Good!" I almost shout and then i notice Kayley's asleep. I hope she doesn't wake up. She just turns in her bed and mumbles. But she keeps sleeping.

I decide to take a bath. Seeing myself in the mirros, i notice i look tired. I feel tired. I didn't feel asleep that late and it's 10 pm, i slept a lot, but the nightmares don't let me sleep like i used to.

After my shower, i wake Kayley up.

"Let me sleep." She mumbles.

"Kayley, we are in Buenos Aires, and there's a lot to do here, you are not going to sleep the whole day long." I say and she laughs.

"Okay, i'm up." She gets up and i wait till she takes her bath and dresses up.

Kayley is the one to make us breakfast - eggs and apple juice - and her grandma gives us a list of places we could go.

We leave the house and we get a taxi to downtown. The first thing i remember about Argentina is that they have this store - Havanna - that have some Alvajor and Havannet. I've never tasted it, but Kayley has so the first place we go is to the Havanna store. I got Havannet, god this thing is good. We got a box of it.

After that, we go to a park that Kayley's grandma used to go everyday after school. It's so beautiful in here... I just wish mom were here to see it...

"Anna, are you back to earth yet?" Kayley calls me.

"I'm always on earth Kayley. If i weren't, i'd be dead." I joke.

We ate some lunch and after that, we decide to go to a near cafeteria.

We sat in a table next to the door. We order and waiting.

While we were waiting, a boy, maybe bit younger than us, sat in our table.

"Who are you?" Kayley snapped in English.

"I'm Carson. Nice to meet you." He replayed in the same language and smiled. Well that was luck... Not exactly luck.

That guy's giving me the creeps. The waitress comes with our orders but i still stare at him.

"Nice to meet you too." Kayley answered just as suspicious as me.

"So what are your names?" He asked still smiling.

"Why do you wanna know?" I snapped.

"Can't i try to make friends?" He asked.

"Well, first if all, the way you approchaed was kind of creepy. And seconds, you should try to make guy friends." Kayley said.

"First, i'm sorry." He say trying to convinve us he means it. It didn't work with me. "Second, i have enough guy friends."

"Doesn't seem like it." Kayley whispered to me and i hold back my laugh.

"So have you got parents?" He asked. Weird question... I'm not confortable answering this.

Nobody knows. Nobody will know. I'm tired of always opening up to people just to have them to judge me afterwords. I got a best friend pretending i was in a fight? "That's so lame." I like baking? "Girls at your age like shopping and girly stuff. Why don't you?"

Whatever he wants to do know about, i won't tell him. I won't say anything about my parents or about anything about my life at all.

"I'd rather not answer that." I answer rudely drinking my coffe.

"Okay." He answers and stands up.

"Well that was weird." Kayley said.

"Don't tell me!" I answer sarcasticly and we laugh.

At the end of the evening, we go eat some ice cream. Yeah we're not being very healthy today.

But i don't care, and neither does Kayley so we just keep it up.

After going in some stores, we get tired and go back to Kayley grandma's house. And it's only now that i notice that i don't know her name...

"What's your grandma's name Kayley?" I ask when we were puttig our pijamas.

"Elizabeth." She smiled.

We went downstairs where Elizabeth was waiting for us with our dinner.

When we finish, Elizabeth tell us more places we should go and we went to sleep.

I actually didn't take that long to fall asleep.

What i can't say is that, i didn't have a nightmare that night.

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