Chapter Four

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“So how did Saturday go?” I turned my attention away from locker and saw Evan who was eating a huge chocolate muffin.

“I’m still alive, aren’t I?” I took the textbooks I needed for this morning and slammed my locker shut. We started walking through the crowded hallways to the one class we shared; French.

“Well I can see that.” He chuckled. “But seriously, how was it?” I filled him in on everything that happened on Saturday; from our argument, to helping him babysit Arianna and telling him about my parents.  When I was finished he had an uncomfortable look on his face.

“Are you sure it was the right time to tell Austin about your parents?” We entered our homeroom and sat at the back corner of the class.

“I don’t know.” I answered honestly. I didn’t know whether I could trust him or not. Part of me felt that he wouldn’t say anything or bring it up. But another part of me felt that he might expose me or use that piece of information to his advantage when he really needed to.

The annoying school bell rang, signalling that homeroom has started. A tall blonde lady stumbled into the room, holding her cup of coffee in one hand and her books in the other. She wore a simple white and red striped long sleeve along with a pair of black skinny jeans and light brown boots that went up to her knees. He long blond hair was tied up into a bun.

“Bonjour tout le monde.” Madame Shea greeted. “Tourner à la page 63 dans le livre”

I pulled out my French textbook from my bag and turned to the page Madame has instructed. The class took turns reading each page. At some point I stopped listening to the other students read and started thinking about what Evan and I had been talking about earlier.

Could I actually trust Austin to not expose me to his friends? He is popular and if he told one of his friends the whole school will know within 30 minutes maximum. Or would he just save that piece of information to blackmail me when necessary? Maybe Evan is right; maybe I shouldn’t have told him. Maybe I should’ve...

“Kat,” Evan whispered interrupting my thoughts.  “Your turn to read.”   I’ve been too deep in my thoughts I didn’t realize the class went quiet. All eyes were on me, waiting for me to begin reading. The problem was I have no idea what page we are on and where we left off.   “Katrina, please pay attention.” Madame said sternly. “Isabelle please continue.”  

“Are you okay?” Evan whispered as Isabelle started reading.

“Later.” I whispered. He nodded and turned his attention back to the page we were reading. I spent the rest of French class doodling on my French notebook instead of listening to the reading.

When French was over, shoved my stuff into my bag and made my way down to the vocal room. Mr. Elliot was supposed to give each pair a bonding assignment to do over the weekend. I wonder what mine and Austin’s will be.

“As you all know I have already assigned the semester project which is the duet. At the end of class I will tell you what you and your partner will do this weekend in order to have a better connection with each other.” Mr. Elliot explained. “Today in class you and your partner will get 5 minutes to choose a song and you will perform it in front of the class”

“Why sir?” someone asked. I turned around to find the source of the voice. Surprisingly it was Austin.

“So I can see what we have and how much better you and your partner will need to be for the summer serenade.” He explained. “Now break into your partners and choose a song. 5 minutes starts now.”

Everyone got up from their seats and rushed over to their partner to choose a song. I went over to Austin who was sitting cross legged at the corner of the room on his phone. I sat next to him and asked him what song we should sing.

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