Chapter Twenty

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A/N: you usually see my author's note at the end of each chapter but not this time. before you read I just wanted to to warn you guys that this chapter may cause some chest pains and tears (especially if you ship kaustin) & I also want to thank you all for reading this story. The comments, votes and messages I recieve make me really happy and I can't thank y'all enough. 

updates are slower now because of school but I promised I would continue this story 'til the very end and that's a promise I will keep (: 

just so y'all know, this is not near the end. we are a little bit more than half way through the story, so don't worry. they still have to perform their duet and i have a few plans for kat and austin (; 

I'll stop talking now so you guys can read. hehe enjoy! 

Austin’s P.O.V

Our foreheads were still resting against each other, both of us still breathless. I was still surprised at my sudden outburst of my feelings. Ever since we started this duet I’ve felt this strong connection with her even though back then we still weren’t getting along well. At first I thought it was because of all the bonding assignments we did and tutoring sessions with her. But after walking her home the night we went to the festival of sight and sound, I felt this strong attraction towards her. That was when I realized I may actually have legit feelings for her.

Whenever I see her, a smile automatically makes its way onto my face. I love the feeling I get whenever I sing with her. She is nothing like the other girls I’ve dated; she’s better. She’s extremely reticent but it gives me something to work for because whenever she voluntarily tell me something, especially if it’s about her past, I feel like I’m slowly breaking down that wall she puts up. She’s shy and awkward but I find it adorable. She’s very talented which makes me fall for her even more. And lastly, she brings out the best of me. She helps me to become a better person; a person who I thought I could never be.

I never thought a girl could affect me this way but I guess I was wrong.

“You don’t have to say anything.” I said, separating our foreheads. “I just feel that you need to be reminded that you are loved.”

“So you really do…” she trailed off, her cheeks flushing a light red.

I nodded. “Yes. Yes I do.”

“But…What… Why…”

I chuckled at her nervousness. “Oh Kat, you’re too cute.”

“Are you expecting me to say something back?” she asked softly.

My heart sank because her words sounded like she doesn’t feel the same way. But of course, I pretended that her question didn’t hurt.

“No I don’t.” I answered honestly, placing my hand over hers. “Unless you want to…”

“I-I…” she flushed a deeper red and that doubt disappeared. I could tell that I do have some kind effect on her.

“Like I said, you don’t have to say anything.” I stood up and brushed off the invisible dirt off my pants.

“I’ll see you tomorrow loser.” I sent her a smile and began walking to my house, my heart still beating erratically.

Kat’s P.O.V

After Austin’s little confession his words never left my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I was ecstatic to know his feeling were mutual with mine but in that moment I didn’t have the guts to admit it. I was too chicken to tell him how I feel. Now I am sitting on my bed contemplating on what to do and say to Austin.

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