Chapter Eight

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A/N: Well here is Chapter 8! 

As a usual reminder, please comment your thoughts on this chapter below and vote. Also I'd appreciate it if you guys shared my story with other wattpad users. It would help a lot (: 

I hope you enjoy this chapter & happy reading!! 



“For this week’s bonding assignment, you and your partner will take a piece of paper from the hat.” Mr. Elliot raised the black top hat that was in his hands. “On your slip of paper, it will tell you what you have to do and how long you will do it for.”

The class broke into nervous whispers. We all knew that Mr. Elliot wasn’t the most normal teacher in this school. At the beginning of the semester he made us give each other facial massages to help with our embouchure when we sing. He also made us meditate for the whole period without an explanation. He just waltzed into class and said “Hey, let’s do some meditation exercises.” So it wasn’t unusual that the class was worried what kind of bonding assignments he planned in the hat.

Pair by pair, they went up and took a slip of paper from the top hat. Some were pretty normal and fun like spend the whole day at the beach or spend the day at Playdium and have a mini competition. But others were more adventurous and insane like go edge walk on the cities tower or go parasailing at the pier.

“Last but certainly not least, Kat and Austin.” Austin and I got up and walked over to Mr. Elliot. I was kind of excited to see what we’ll get. I took a peek inside the hat. There were still a bunch of slips in the hat so hopefully we’ll get a good one.

“Mr. Desmyn, you may choose.” Austin nodded and stuck his hand inside the hat. He played with the slips of paper for a while until he finally chose one. He uncrumpled the neon green slip of paper and made a face. My stomach dropped. I wanted to know what we got but by the look on Austin’s face I had a feeling I would not like it. I was dying to know but afraid of the answer.

“Care to share?” Mr. Elliot smirked. Like he knew what our assignment was.

Austin let out a sigh and turned to me. “We have to be hand cuffed to each other for 24 hours.”

The class burst into fits of laughter while I stood there stunned at what Austin just said. Did Mr. Elliot intend on us to get this assignment? Or was luck really not on our side?

“Okay class, settle down. You and your partner will do the given assignment over the weekend.” Mr. Elliot said as he took a seat on his conductor’s chair.

“Can we change or switch with someone else?” Gary, Maxwell’s grade 10 representative, asked.

Mr. Elliot’s eyes met mine and answered. “No. You cannot change or switch with anyone else. I have recorded what you and your partner are required to do so I will know if you change or switch it.” And he smirked in our direction.

Austin was about to protest but the bell rang signalling the period was over and it was time for lunch. Everyone got up from their seats and exited out the vocal room. Mr. Elliot waved good bye to us like everything okay. Austin ran after him probably to complain but we both know that once Mr. Elliot makes a decision he never changes his mind.


“You and Austin are going to be handcuffed for 24 hours?” Sophia asked in an amused tone. I nodded.

“Mr. Elliot gets more creative every year.” Evan commented taking a bite of his sandwich.

“Guys what do I do?” I asked feeling desperate. “I don’t want to be handcuffed to him for 24 hours.”

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