13. Change Is Ba- Good?

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Before I get to writing I want to make sure yuall are going and checking out my other two urban books. Both are really good and one even mentions Don and Lando, and gives insight on Brendon and Kareese's Dad ! That book is called THE ASSISTANT ... the other-which I believe will be as great as this one maybe even better because all the drama and dirt going on it it, is called GRIMEY. So go check em out !!!! ASAP 😘

Kareese went up to her bedroom in Brendon's house. Everything was just as she'd left it. Which wasn't a surprise since she kept the door locked and she only had a key. She went into the walk-in closet and pulled out the step ladder, using it to get into the cabinet above the top shoe rack. She pulled out the jewelry chest her dad gave her and closed the cabinet. Kareese went and sat on the cushiony lavender square something like what you would see in a boutique waiting room that you would sit on while your duo end tried on clothes. She used the tiny key on her key ring to open the chest.

Revealing a lot of beautiful jewelry pieces; necklaces, charm bracelets, expensive diamond earrings, and other pieces. She slid open the chest so that the drawers holding the jewelry were outward and there was a deeper place where you could keep the more larger items or priceless items. Here she kept all the letters her dad wrote her during his first five months in prison. After constantly writing her and getting no response, her dad stopped writing.

Kareese pulled out the first letter looking at the prison's name on the outside a long with her dad's; Jermaine Parks. Kareese opened the letter rereading it, it was the last letter he sent her.

Dear Princess,

This is my last letter to you, but know just because I'm not writing you anymore I am still thinking of you. Looking back on what I did I realize maybe it wasn't my problem to deal with. But your my only little girl, my light and my world, my princess. I wanted to keep you safe and I never wanted you to hurt as bad as you did. I hated him for making you hurt like you did. But maybe that didn't justify my actions.

But Princess one day you'll realize a parent will do anything for their child. More importantly a father will do more than anything for their daughter. I love you with all my heart Princess, you're so much like your mother. She was my queen, so beautiful and we wanted the world for you, Brendon too.

I don't know if you are but don't worry about me in here. I'll be fine, your daddy ain't scared of nobody. But it doesn't matter how long we haven't talked I'll always be there for you Princess and you can always call me or visit me.



Kareese saw a drop of water land on the letter. Realizing she was crying she folded up the letter and stuffing it back in the envelope. Kareese sat there and cried, cried for abandoning her dad. Cried for losing her mother, cried for her dead child. She cried letting out all the hurt she had bottled up in her. It was about a good forty minutes until she was done, and when she was done her eyes were red and puffy her throat was sore, and her face hurt.

Kareese got up and wiped her face with her hands and put the letter back in the chest; closing it and putting back in the cabinet. She put away the step stool and left the closet going into her bathroom. Kareese looked at her distorted face and sighed. She washed her face and put on some makeup to hide the tired, drained look on her face.

Kareese went down stairs and was about to go into the living room when she heard muffled voices. It was Tiny and Brendon talking. She debated on whether or not she should eavesdrop but thought against it. Kareese went back in her room and grabbed her phone and her small bag that had her weed in it and went out on the balcony.

She rolled up some sour diesel and lit it up inhaling the strong smoke. She put in her headphones and turned on Chief Keef's station on Pandora. Kareese back on the sofa watching the mix of colors in the sky. Gray and white clouds, purple, pink, orange.

KAREESE (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now