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Hoseok POV:

Breana explained everything to us. And we explained everything we knew to her. Turns out, Tanya was actually serious about the house when they were younger, but she didn't kidnap us. She sent us here to expand our horizons. To let us bond with each other. And she told the guys and me to watch out for them. She told us that just a second ago via text. She has cameras in every room except for the bathrooms. She said it's to watch us and our progress. I don't blame her tactics. Sure they seem bad, but she means the best. And we will gladly except the spoiling she does. She provides us with good food and with the three girls, Breana, Emily, and Eva. They are all amazing. I personally like Eva. Shes cute and shy, but yet she is tough and brave when it comes to trying new things. I know the age difference between us. It's a big gap. But she's just hard not to love. She's like a little sister to me. Even if we've only been in here for a month.

Emily is way different from her younger sister Eva. Emily is shy at first but when you get to know her, she will talk your ear off. She loves make up and cute and pretty outfits, and she's very girly at times. She is also a good cook. She helps cook every now and then, and she likes going shopping online. She certainly has style, though.

Then there's Breana. I'm not sure about her yet. She's distant and she doesn't say much. She doesn't ever smile, and she doesn't spend much time with me and the guys.  I just don't know. She seems all sad and depressed. But why? Emily, Eva, and Tanya all tell tales about how she was before hand. They said she was happy and excited and energetic. I don't see any of that. She is timid and sad looking and she barely speaks to anyone. I just don't know anymore. From what I see, she hasn't taken the change in atmosphere well. Because the Breana that The girls speak of and the Breana I see are two separate people.

Yoongis POV:

The girls are awesome.

Eva is shy but tough and cute and the same time. She's a lot like Jimin.

Emily is a fashion pro and gets along well with all the guys, but mostly Taehyung and Jin.

Tanya is more than a business owner to us now. She is our friend. She is a lot like Tae with her energy.

Then you have Breana. She doesn't talk to anyone. Barely even her own cousins. She stays either in her room, Emilys room, Eva's room, or the bathroom. You dont ever see her anywhere else usually. Even though she told us all when we first met that she knew where everything was. She has been taking college classes a lot, I know that. She was working on it when I came to tell her that dinner was ready, about three weeks ago. She's always writing in a black binded journal. She will take it out at random times and write in it. She doodles too. She does it in the living room while she eats. She doesn't ever watch the television in the living room. Shes always on her laptop or her phone. I know she stays up late because she sometimes has slight bags under her eyes. I don't know what she does and I guess it's none of my business, but I still worry. I just don't understand her.

Emily POV:

Breana is acting weird. I mean, I knew she was stressed about school and such, but really? Almost completely locking herself away from us? Not to mention BTS! Her favorite group! What's gotten into her? She used to be so energetic and happy, but now she just works and works and works. She barely takes the time to talk. I miss my cousin. The cousin who was so close to me even though I lived a while away with my family. The cousin who I considered a sister. I want the girl who danced to any song I played. The girl who sang her heart out to me and Tanya and Eva. The girl who always had a smile on her face. I don't know where she went, but I want her back. I miss her...   I miss Breana..

Eva POV:

I know that Breana is taking the knew arangment badly. She comes into my room and just sits there, looking at me with sad eyes. She doesn't like talking about herself, but as long as the conversation is about me she will speak. I think she's trying to show her love for me. She is struggling to do so. I try to help, but just like everyone else here, she pushes me away. But she pushes me and Tanya and Emily away gently. When she pushes the guys away she has a different tone. A sort of tone that shows that she wants to talk about what she is feeling and what she is going through, but yet she stops herself mid-way. I want my older cousin to go back to how she was. She was happy and sunshiney. She would sing and dance with all her heart. And she loved us. She loves BTS. How is she reacting like this towards them? This isn't like her. And I want it to stop. 

Jins POV:

I wake up and look over at my alarm clock. It's two a.m. I mentally curse myself for waking up way to early. I decide to get coffee. Coffee always helps. When I leave my room and walk past Breanas I see that her door is cracked. I peak in only to find her room empty. I go and look in the bathroom but the door is wide open. The dance room is empty and so is the gym. The only place left is...

I hear the sound of the piano in the music room being played. It has to be Yoongi. No one else knows how to play like that. I open the door to find the room slightly lit by a couple of candles on the piano. I see a silhouette, but it's not Yoongi. It's Breana. I walk over silently in awe of her pure talent. When she stops playing and reaches to blow out a candle I tap her shoulder. She quickly turns around.


"Breana. That was amazing!"

She frowns at my compliment, but why? I was serious. She's amazing and a true talent.

"Jin..." She drifted off gazing into my eyes with a stern expression but soft eyes,"Please don't tell anyone."

I give her a shocked expression, but I nod.

She thanks me by slightly bowing. Then she turns and blows out the candles.

"Jin. Go back to sleep."

I stare at her and before she walks away, I grab her wrist and pull her into a quick hug. She doesn't hug me back but instead bows again and walks out of the room. It was just as I thought. I wish I was wrong. I really do. But her figure was far to small. When I hugged her I just confirmed my theory. She was starving herself.

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