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Jimins POV:

Breana was in her room, yet again. Jin hyung has gathered everyone else in the living room for an announcement. He seems sad. I'm anxious to find out what it is, but scared to.

He goes to the center of the living room so everyone can see him.

"Alright. So this morning I found Breana. It was two a.m. but she wasn't in her room. She wasn't in the bathroom, the dance room, the living room, the kitchen, or the gym. Then I heard the piano being played. It was so fluent and beautiful that I followed the sound to the door. I thought I would open the door and find Yoongi. I was wrong. I opened the door only to find Breana. She was playing a beautiful song on the piano. I got her attention and told her that she was amazing, because she was. Then she asked me not to tell anyone. I hugged her quickly before she left though."

He said this all really slowly. He was obviously upset, but I didn't see the problem. She was found playing the piano early in the morning and asked him not to tell anyone. Then a single tear came down his cheek.

"Guys. Do you know how Breana always eats in her room or she eats after or before we do?"

We all nod in unison.

Breana is starving herself," he said finally letting out all his tears.

The rest of the guys are crying too. Along with Emily and Eva.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek. Then another. And another. Before you know it, I'm completely breaking down. I did the exact same thing. I starved myself. It got me nothing but hurt. It hurt the people who care about me. Why is she doing it? Why?

I feel multiple hands pick me up off the floor where I had fallen during my rage. My vision was blurry but I could tell the guys were still crying. I heard their sniffles and whimpers. But no one's were as loud as mine.

Once everyone had somewhat calmed down, we all promised to not tell Breana that we know. We want to help her without her distancing herself because we know about her starving herself.

It would only make things worse for both her and us.

Taehyungs POV:

I always knew that Breana had not been eating well. I aproched her several times but she always told me it was fine and that she would eat more. But she didn't. We had all noticed how slim she was getting. We thought this was because she was excersizing. Tanya said that she had many videos of her going to work out constantly every night.

We were wrong. Really wrong. She had starved herself. For what? No one sees her but us. It can't be for looks. Can it? No I don't think so. Why would she when she knows that only we will see it? Doesn't she trust us at least that much? Why is she hurting herself like this? I don't understand.

Namjoons POV:

I'm up late writing lyrics. My thoughts keep on drifting to Breana. None of the guys know her very well. I dont know her very well. She barely talks to her own cousins. So why did we all cry as hard as we did? We love her. Whether she knows it or not. We do. We really want to get closer to her. To help her. But she won't let us. We love the times where Emily and Eva and Tanya tell us stories about when they were younger and it almost always included Breana. She impacted them. They all speak very highly of her. I wish she would just let us help her. We don't mind. We would gladly extend a helping hand. She must know that. Doesn't she?

Jungkooks POV:

I'm trying to sleep, but Breana is haunting my thoughts. I keep comparing the Breana that The girls talk about and the Breana now. The Breana that The girls talk about is happy. They say that she was the one who made them smile. The sunshine of the family. The one who always looked happy and excited. That Breana sang all the time, and the girls say that she has a naturally amazing voice. They also talk about her dancing skills. She apparently made up her own coreo and was a huge ARMY. She had all our songs on a single playlist. Plus she loved the theatre. I want to meet that Breana. Not the one who doesn't sleep. Not the one who works in school work and then excersizes and secretly plays the piano at night, without getting enough rest. Not the one that stays locked away from the only people she has to talk to, and definitely not the one who starves herself. I want the Breana that The girls talk about. Not the one that treats herself like trash.

Breanas POV:

The guys have been asleep for a while now. I just finished my work for school. I'm graduating my first year of college tomorrow. I'm finally finished and I get a break from the constant work for a month. I walk down the hall to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Then when I walk in I see Jimin sitting on the couch, curled up into a ball, crying. I think about leaving because the awkwardness is going to be terrible, but me and my stupid selfless self has to comfort him.

I walk over to him and squat in front. He looks up at me and his cries grow louder. Did I do something? I haven't talked to Jimin since last week. I sit on the couch next to him. He starts to violently shake from the constant crying. My heart and body take control not my brain. I put my hand on his shoulder lightly.
"Jimin. Put your legs down on the floor."

He slowly does as I asked.

"Now look at me."

He locks gazes with me. His eyes full of tears.

"Jimin, what's wrong?"

He sniffles more before answering.

"Why?," he asks.

"Why what?"

"Why do you starve yourself?"

I'm taken aback by his question. Yes, I had been dialing back a lot on food, but I didn't tell anyone. And no one ever asked except Taehyung. But I always told him I was fine. Jin...
It was Jin.
When he suddenly hugged me the other night. It was to see if I was...

"Why!!!", Jimin was screaming at me now.

"I-I don't know... because..."

"It hurts us! YOU hurting yourself is hurting all of us! I did the same thing. It got me nowhere. Please... believe me. It won't help. It makes things even worse."

His sweet voice got softer along the way as he started to look at me with a caring expression.

"I did it because I thought i needed to," i blurt out.

Jimin looks at me shocked. He slowly smiles and shakes his head.

"Breana, we love you. All of us. Whether you realize it or not. We worry about you and your health. We want to be your friends, but you keep pushing us away. You don't have to change anything about yourself. You're perfectly imperfect and that's beautiful."

I turned around to see Yoongi. Jimins mouth was closed while I heard the previous statement. Yoongi had said it. Not Jimin. I look up at him and he sheds a single tear. I quickly turn around and wipe it away with my finger tips. He seems shocked by the contact but yet content. Jimin pulls me in for a back hug. He is nodding his head furiously agreeing with what Yoongi had said. I was soon released and then Jimin spoke up.

"So you will stop starving yourself?"

"Yes. I promise."

They both hug me and walk me to my room before heading to their own. I felt free. Free from all the worry I had faced this past month. Free from all of it.

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