Mr. Kim

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Jins POV:

I wake up to find the house still quiet. I glance into Bres room to check and see if she's okay, but I see Tae sleeping on a pallet on the floor. He must have been scared.

I ignore them for the time being and go to get a drink. I feel as if I'm being watched and so I turn around only to find RM sitting at the island. He smiles at me and I return it.

"What do you want for breakfast, Joon," I ask, still smiling.

"Nothing. You should wait until the others wake up," he says with his voice slightly rough from sleep.
    All of a sudden, Tae comes skipping into them room. He still looks tired, but he continues to skip. He's skipping around the island, which is causing me and RM to laugh, but then we turn as we hear light footsteps. Breana is standing at the end of the hallway, looking at us.

She giggles,"Look at this. All the Kims in the same room alone. That can't be good."

Joon laughs at her comment but instantly regrets it. She makes eye contact with him and says sternly,"And why exactly are you laughing, Mr. Kim?"

We all freeze. Soon Tae starts laughing. She doesn't get on to him for it. Soon I'm laughing as well. Yet she doesn't get on to me, either. Joon is so confused.

"Why do you get on to me about laughing, when they're both doing it?," he asked.

"Because your laugh was the one that made me smile," she said calmly. She quickly walked over and grabbed a glass of water and headed up to her room. Joon was the color of a cherry. Tae and I were laughing at his reaction. She got him good.

Bre's POV:

I replayed the first moments of my morning over and over again. I had complimented Namjoon so easily and he had blushed. I mean, his laugh was the one to make me smile, because he sounded so darn cute when he was tired. But why did he blush?

My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on my door.

They came in and I saw Namjoon.

"Hey," he said.
"Hi," I replied, confused as to why he was here.
"Uhm. I'm sorry that I made you mad."
"You didn't. I was joking. That's why the other two laughed afterwards. I was never mad at you, Namjoon," I say reassuringly.
He smiles showing off his dimples once again. Aish this cutie! What am I going to do with him?

~magical time skip~~~~~~~~~

We all decided to watch a movie again. This time, it was Jungkooks turn to pick. That was a huge mistake. We ended up watching another horror film. I was sitting in the middle of the couch with Namjoon to my left, Yoongi to my right, and Jin on the left of Namjoon. Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook were sitting crosslegged in front of the couch. Jimin laid on top of their laps and that made me giggle slightly. Emily and Eva were already asleep in their rooms by the time the movie started.

After the movie was over I glanced at every one. Everyone had fallen asleep except for me, Hoseok and Jimin. They looked terrified. I grabbed Jimins hand and pulled him into his room and tucked him in. When I went back Hoseok was in a panicked state. I grabbed his hands and guided him to his room as well. I walk back into the living room and I wake up Jungkook and Taehyung.
"Huh?" Taehyung said sleepily.

"Oh. Time to go to bed." Jungkook said with a tired smile.

They both nod and head to their rooms. I yank Jin off the couch which makes him scream causing Namjoon to wake up.

"Ahh! Breana you scared me!," Jin whisper screamed at me.

"Jin shut up. You're the one that scared me," Namjoon replied.

I pushed them in the direction of their rooms, and they slowly made their way, still bickering.
I was scared to wake up Yoongi though. Everytime one of the others tried to wake him it ended badly. I decided to wake him up anyway.
"Yoongi," I said,"Yoongi."

I walked over to the couch where he was seated. My hand moves out to tap his shoulder, but he opens his eyes immediately, causing me to stumble backwards. He reaches out and grabs my waist before I hit the ground.
"Wha-," I was interrupted by Yoongi.

"Sorry to scare you, Bre," he whispered, loud enough for me to hear though.

When I'm stable again he lets go instantly and heads to his room.

What was that all about?

I enter my room and scream. I see all the maknae line, plus Hoseok in my room. They turn to look at me and they all smile.
"Yah! What the heck are you guys doing?!," I scream.
Taehyung runs over and puts a finger on my lips to shush me.
"Remember everyone else is trying to sleep," he said.
I nod quickly. He removes his finger, and I glance around the room. All of them have made their own little pallets on the floor. I smile sweetly.
"Tae said that you said that we could sleep in here because we're scared," Jimin says very softly.
I look over at Taehyung and he smiles. I know why he did it. He knew that I would be scared again so he brought extra comforting back up. I mouth the words, ' thank you ' and he smiles wider.

The guys all get into their pallets and they are sound asleep. I look over to see that indeed, Taehyung is still awake.
"Taehyung," I whisper.
"Why are you still up?"
"Uhm... because I'm still scared"
"Come here."

He slowly and quietly gets up and walks over to my bed. When he sits I pull him into a hug. He quickly returns it and then we fell over on the bed. We giggled at our stupid actions and soon he fell asleep. I move the strands of hair out of his eyes and I remember something from last night. He kissed my forehead because I was scared. I leaned over and put a light, quick kiss on his forehead. The next thing I knew, I had fallen asleep in his arms. 

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