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Breanas POV:
Jin: ' her eyes are such an ugly color.'
I felt my heart drop right away. Yoongi, who was already sitting next to me on the couch, locked gazes with me.
"Close your eyes," he said.
I did as I was told, and as I did, I felt warmth, and smooth soft skin against my eyelids. My heart fluttered knowing it was his lips.
"Open them."
I opened my eyes to see him giving me a loving glance.

Hobi:' her hands are messed up. They're too small.'

As I felt that disheartened feeling again, Yoongi took my hands, which were already in his, and he kisses every inch of them. Starting with my finger tips and going all the way to my wrist. Meanwhile my heart was doing somersaults.

Joon:' Her cheeks are too chubby.'

With that said, Yoongi leaned in and kisses both of my cheeks. I could already feel the warmth of my newly forming blush.

Jimin:' Her shoulders are so pale and bony.'

Yoongi slowly slid the straps of my tank top down and exposed my shoulders. He began to kiss them ever so lightly, but it was still enough pressure to know that the comment was invalid.

Tae:' Her nose is too pointed.'

He kissed my nose gently and smiles at me.

Kookie:' her stomach is so fat.'

Yoongi lifted up my shirt only exposing my tummy, and he kisses every inch while I'm left there to watch and blush like crazy.

Eva:' Her neck is too long'

He kissed every spot possible on my neck. They were soft but meaningful kisses, and I could feel his excitement grow as I figured that he knew each spot he would get to kiss before we even started this.

Emily:' Her thighs are to fat'

He removes his hands from mine and gently places his fingertips on my knees and kisses the bruised places on my thighs and the lower part of my inner thigh that he knew I was very self contious about.

Tanya:' her lips are too small'

With that he leaned in and kisses my lips. At first I don't react. This is, after all, my first kiss. But after a few seconds I kiss him back and I smile as we pull away from each other.
"There's the smile that I missed oh so much," he says and I giggle a little. To that, everyone starts to smile. Everyone knew that I'm going to be okay. And I know that I'm going to be okay. As long as Yoongi is here with me, I can do anything and everything.

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