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Jimins POV:

It's been a week since my breakdown with Breana. Shes been eating with us ever since. She looks better than she did last week, too. I'm glad she is eating well. She really scared me when she starved herself. At least she's healthier now. That's all that matters. 

Bre's POV:

I've been eating more lately. The guys keep checking up on me like every hour. No matter what. I try to talk to them, but I can't. I can't find the words. When I'm around them and I see just how much they care for me despite the fact that I don't know them and they don't know me very well, I lose all my words. I can't even explain it anymore. I just can't bring myself to talk to them. Ecspessially about myself and my problems. Wouldn't they think that I was weak? I mean, I know I'm not weak, but I'm not strong either. Ugh. Just thinking about it is making me stressed.

I hear a light knock on the door.
"Come in," I said without bothering to ask who it was.
The door opened to reveal mini Jimin AKA Eva. She walks in shyly. I motion for her to sit on my bed with me. She slowly sits, but when she does her eyes immediately meet mine.

"I know you're going through a rough time," she calmly but sweetly stated,"I can see it in your eyes that you really want to get closer to us and the guys. But yet you hold yourself back. Why?"

I sigh,"Because you are all way to good for me. I don't deserve you all and I definitely don't deserve your love and support."

She hugs me tightly, and when she sees that I'm not hugging back, even though I want to, she grabs my hands and wraps them around her. I leave them there. It feels good to hug Eva again. She was like a little sister to me, and I love her so much. I guess I really was distancing myself to much.

"Hey, lil Chim. Just know that... I'm here for you. Okay? I always have been and I always will be. I'll never give up on you, okay?," I said.

She smiled brightly and hugged me again. This time I didn't hesitate and I threw my arms around her. I held her smaller figure in my arms, while I stroked her boyish styled dirty blonde hair.

Once Eva had left, I felt better. Somehow, her talking to me and encouraging me made me realize that I wanted to start over with the guys. I wasn't going to starve myself. I wasn't going to stay locked in my room. I wasn't going to force myself to work out non-stop without rest at night. I was going to just give myself a chance. Really and truly. The real Breana is back!!!!

Hoseok POV:

I look up shocked to see that Breana had shoved us all into the living room. When she walked into the living room, she had on a pair of jean shorts, a long sleeved grey shirt that alowed her sweater paws, and her black converse highs. She looked at me suddenly. I froze. Still staring at her. Not knowing what to do. Her hand reaches out and touches mine. She locks eyes with me and she smiles. That's the first time I've seen her smile. It's beautiful.

"Guys,"she says,"I know that I have been distant and that i did starve myself. But I realize now that I really want to get to know you all better. Including my cousins. So the question is, will you accept me?"

We all scream in joy and there is a group hug somewhere along the way. She smiles constantly throughout the time we share for the day. Once the day is done and we all heaad to bed, I stop to see Breana standing in the kitchen.

"Breana. What are you doing?," I ask.

She turns to look at me,"Oh, uhm nothing, Hoseok. Nothing. Just thinking."

I nod as I walk into the kitchen to stand in front of her.

"Whatcha thinkin' about," I ask smiling widely.

"Just wondering how this is going to turn out. I mean the guys getting to know me and all."

"Don't worry. They'll love you. We already do and we barely know you now. Just wait until we get to know you personally."

She nods and quickly hugs me before leaving me in the kitchen alone with my thoughts.

Emily's POV:

It's been two days since Breana told us she would stop closing herself off. And she did. She smiles more and she even laughed yesterday at one of Jins dad jokes. He has now befriended her. The guys have all been more cheery since then. They absolutely love Breana, and they haven't even gotten to know her that well yet. I'm just glad that we're getting our old Breana back. I wish she hadn't left. But now she's back. And I couldn't be more excited. We decided to have a movie night, since it would be Breanas first one. The guys all chose a scary movie. We sat and watched. Throughout the movie, no matter what happened, Breana had a blank expression on her face. The guys, me, and Eva were all freaking out, but she somehow stayed calm. This is very strange since she used to tell me about her nightmares. She used to get scared easily. What changed?

Taehyungs POV:

I wasn't able to sleep. I kept thinking about the scary movie. I should really be used to it by now, but it still scared me. I decided to get up to get a glass of water. On my way back from the kitchen I hear a scream come from Breanas room. I go to her door and I knock.

"C-c-Come i-in-n," she stuttered.

I walked in and was shocked to see her sitting up in her bed, cuddling the blanket, shaking violently, and tears streaming down her face. I rush over to her and she tries to smile but fails.

"Breana, what's wrong," I ask worried.

She shakes her head as if to tell me 'nothing'.

"I know something's wrong. You're crying, for goodness sake."

"The m-mov-vie. I'm s-scared-d of t-the m-m-movie," she whispered.

I sat on the bed next to her and pulled her into a hug. It felt nice knowing that I wasn't the only one scared of that stupid movie.

"It's okay," I cooed,"I'm scared, too. But right now, when I'm with you, I'm to busy thinking about you to be scared."

She nodded.

"Hey. I'll tell you what. How about I stay here with you until you go to sleep?"

"N-no. You d-Don't have to." She said.

"But I want to. Remember that I'm scared, too."

She nods, yet again. I lay on the bed next to her and she hugs me tightly before drifting off silently. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I carefully remove her arms from my chest and decide to sleep on the floor. That way if she gets scared again, I'm here already and I know why. I run to my room and quickly grab a blanket and a pillow. I go to her room only to find her in a different sleeping position. She probably just rolled over.

I walk over to the side of her bed and look down at what I had clearly missed before. She had gotten up to make me my own little pallet on the floor. I look over at her sleeping figure and I can't help but smile. I lean over her bed and plant a very soft kiss on her forehead. She deserves it for doing something so sweet. I lay down and my eyes slowly get heavy. Then I'm gone.

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