Chapter Two

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You woke up to your alarm blaring, it was time to get ready for work.

You got on a plain tshirt and some black leggings, you worked at the local coffee shop.

You would be working all day today, as one of your coworkers was sick.

You went into the bathroom and fixed up your hair aswell as washed off yesterday's makeup to apply some new makeup.

You left the house after you made yourself look decent. Locking the door behind you.

No sign of Matt and Ryan, they were probably still asleep.

You went down to your car and drove to work.

Today you were working with your least favourite coworker, Caitlyn.

She always acted like she was better than you, always shouting at you to do better. She was just kind of a bitch. Acting nice around the higher ups in order to not get fired.

You parked in the employee parking and went through the STAFF ONLY door.

You pulled on your apron and your name tag and went out to work.

"Hello (Y/N)." Caitlyn greeted without even glancing at you.

"Hey." You said in a tired tone.

The regular old people were walking in for their morning coffees. Sitting down to read today's paper.

After hours and hours of working. It was evening and Caitlyn was finally off. Being replaced with another girl.

Just then Matt came in.

You walked up to the register to take his order.

"Hey (Y/N)! Didn't know you worked here." He greeted.

You gave him a sweet smile. "Yeah! I do, now what can I get ya?"

"That eager to serve me eh?" He joked

You laughed softly

He placed his order. And you started work on it.

You handed him his drink.

"Here's a tip." He handed you a 5 dollar bill with a note taped to it.

You shoved it into your pocket and smiled at him.

He gave you a wink and headed over to a table to work on his laptop.

You finished work after about half an hour.

You walked over to Matt after you took your work uniform off.

"Hey, whatcha working on?" You asked him.

"Editing a video for some friends." He said, looking up from his work.

"Oh cool! I just came to say that we're closing." You told him.

"Oh, it's already that late?" He looked at the clock on his computer.

"Mhm." You nodded. "You want a ride or something?"

"Yeah, sure." He said with a smile.

You walked him out to your car and opened the door for him. "Ladies first."

He winked and got into the car.

You got in on the other side and tried to start up the car.

It began to make weird sounds.

"It's not starting." You said in a panicked tone. "Matt it's not starting!"

"Shhh, calm yourself. It'll be fine. The battery is probably dead." Matt explained.

"What are we gonna do then?" You asked.

"We'll walk. It'll be fine." He reassured.

You sighed and got out of the car, Matt doing the same.

The night was already cold, and the light breeze really wasn't helping.

You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to keep yourself warm.

"You cold?" Matt asked.

You nodded.

He took off the greenish blue windbreaker he had on and draped it over your shoulders.

You gazed up at him and gave him a soft smile, him giving a cute half smile back at you.

In no time you guys were back at the apartment building.

"I'll get Ryan to drive his car down to the coffee shop to jump your car." Matt said.

"Thank you, I really appreciate how nice you guys are to me." You said back.

"It's really no big deal." He responded. "Now go get some rest, it's late. Come knock on our door whenever you're up and ready tomorrow."

You nodded. "Alright."

You unlocked the door to your apartment and got ready for bed.

Hi! I really hope you enjoyed that chapter :) !!!

I'm gonna try to write another one today and hopefully get it out in a couple of hours.

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