Chapter 14

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"I'll be right back, holler if there's an emergency." You said to Serena.

She nodded and continued to work.

You looked up at Matt as you dried your hands on your apron. "Everything okay?"

"You're cheating on me. Aren't you." He said sternly, he sounded like he was holding back tears.

"W-what? What are you going on about?" You asked.

"Don't play dumb. I saw the guy leaving your apartment this morning." Matt spat. You had never heard such hostility in his voice.

"Matt no! That's not what it looks li-" You trued to explain.

"That's what they all say. Goodbye (Y/N)." He said, turning away.

Tears began to well in your eyes. "Matt..."

He didn't even turn back to you.

"S-Serena. I have to go. I'm sorry, something came up." You said to her. "I'll call John."

"I-oh alright." She said, returning to work.

You called in John, he completely understood and called someone in to cover your shift. As soon as possible you sped home to cry.

Brad was on your couch, scrolling through Netflix when you entered.

"(Y/N), you okay?" He asked.

"Matt thinks I'm cheating on him with you!" You wailed, finally letting the tears go.

"(Y/N). I'm so sorry, I can like, leave if you want." He said, getting up to hug you.

"No. It wasn't your fault, I should've told Matt." You sighed.

"I'm sure Matt will understand." Brad encouraged.

"I just want him back!" You cried, burying your tear stained face into Brad's chest.

"Give him time, then try to talk to him." Brad suggested.

You sniffled. "You're right. Maybe Matt will understand."

Brad smiled at you. "(Y/N), you're one of the kindest people on the planet and I have no idea why he would think you would cheat, Matt is a smart guy and he'll understand."

"Thanks Brad. I'm gonna go lay in bed for a while." You sighed, walking to your room.

As you lay in bed, you noticed you had a text from Ryan.

Ryan: i saw you crying while you were unlocking your door. you okay?

Ryan: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): matt thinks i was cheating on him

Ryan: he seemed upset this morning about something, he hasn't come back from wherever he went.

Ryan: and why does he think that?

(Y/N): my buddy Brad from highschool needed somewhere to stay, so I'm housing him for a bit. I guess he thought I smashed him or something.

Ryan: i'm sorry, I'll see if I can get him to calm down and talk to you?

(Y/N): that would mean the world Ryan :) thank you

Ryan: I'll update you on how it goes later :) let me know if you need anything.

You thought Ryan would be pissed at you. But you were glad he believed you.

You sighed and buried yourself in the blankets, how you longed to lay with Matt.

You closed your eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep, it was a restless, toss and turney sleep. But it was sleep none the less.

You were awoken by another text from Ryan.

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