This proves I'm now too weak.

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"Dinner time kids!" Anne screamed from downstairs.

I've been staying at Josh's for now five days and I'll admit that this wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Christian, Anne's husband was very nice and so was Elissa. If there could be a perfect family, then it must be this one.

"Coming!" Josh screamed back and led me to the dining room. We were in his room. I have to say that spending time with him was really great. He smiled at everything, always so happy about the smallest things. When he learned that I could play the guitar, he asked me to play parts of the songs he had written so he could check if the lyrics fitted in. He wanted -and I quote- to make sure it was perfect when he presented it to Max.

Those two were honestly the best people on earth. You could hear them laugh all the time and it felt awesome to see that people were enjoying their lives. Mostly because I couldn't enjoy mine. There was always this thought in the back of my mind that I could do much better than I was. And sadly, there was nothing to prove me wrong.

"Amelia, dear, a young man named Matt called this morning asking if you were alright. He also asked if you, Josh and Max could come to his tomorrow evening to try and get to know everyone. Would it be fine with you Joshua? You should call Matt back. Oh god, I should really get you your own phone." Anne chuckled at the end.

But that night, I didn't have the chance to call Matt back because my head was spinning and I literally couldn't stand on my feet. I don't know what happened to me and why I suddenly felt so bad. I was cold and these sheets didn't seem to warm me. My body was trembling and it had been the case for a while now.

I felt uncomfortable because I wasn't someone who gets ill often and here I was, ill to the bones in the middle of a family I was no part of.

It was probably a few hours later that somebody shook me awake.
"Amelia, are you alright? I thought you were choking to death here." Josh said, worry all over his face.

"I honestly didn't know I-" but I began to cough again. Way to be convincing.

"Sure you didn't. Can I do something to make it less painful?" He asked again.

"Could you get me a glass of cold water please?" I whispered. My throat was hurting.

"I meant something like medication. If you think you're going to get better by yourself, I'm sorry to ruin your dreams but you won't. You've been coughing for four days. This is obviously getting worse." Josh argued but when he saw my glassy eyes, he got up to get me the water I needed.

It might sound crazy but I hadn't noticed I was coughing. I hadn't really felt any pain. Nothing seemed wrong to me lately. Except the fact that I still fought with everyone because I didn't want to bother the Franceschis.

"Here you are." Josh whispered while handing me a glass. It was 3am and I felt bad for waking him up. Knowing him, he went to bed around 2am and that meant he wouldn't sleep much this night.

"Thanks. You can go back to bed, I promise I won't die." I chuckled but that made my throat hurt and my lungs cry for air.

"I'm not so sure about that, Mel. I'll bring you to the doctors tomorrow."

"No you won't. Go back to sleep. And thanks for the water." I whispered, suddenly aware of the time.

Nobody liked to be woken up in the middle of the night because of people talking. I was surprised Josh actually got up to see if there was a problem.

"Can you make a little room for me?" He asked after a few seconds of silence. What?

Before I could even try to answer, he pushed me gently aside and laid down beside me.

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