Bi Bi Bi

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Enjoying the rest of my weekend I made it peacefully to Sunday afternoon.

"Clack! Clack! Clack!" The familiar ringtone blared out

"Satsuki what's up?" I answered.

"Be ready by five o' clock we're going to a festival and dress traditionally cute." The stoic female ordered before hanging up.

"Can't I just relax?" I whined as I got dressed in a Honnouji Academy short kimono and put my hair up in a bun accessorizing it with red hair sticks. Just as promised by five the student council arrived outside my house.

"Well don't you look cute?" Nonon grinned as I entered the Limo and sat next to Uzu. her kimono was similar to mine the only difference being hers was pink and had a giant treble clef on the sleeve, looking over to Satsuki she wore her Kamui. Once we arrived at the festival being held in the school everyone went their own way Satsuki with Nonon and Gamagori and Uzu I believed went with Houka leaving me alone.

"Okay then..." I mumbled walking off. I played a few games alone before growing bored and just sitting on a bench eating some cotton candy.

"You alone sweetheart?" A no-star grinned sitting next to me.

'Why do I attract all the perverts!' I paled.

"No, I'm with my friends," I replied stoically.

"Really then, where are they?" He smirked leaning closer to me.

"Restroom and now that I mentioned it they're taking long so I think I'm gonna go check on them," I stated before running away.

'At this rate, I think I'm just going to go ahead and walk home.' I breathed heavily 

"(Y/n)? Woah no way! You're (Y/n)! The (Y/n) (L/n) 'All over Ace' wow you're so cool!" I short girl with a bowl cut and short kimono exclaimed moving around frantically.

"Mako!" Ryuko, who was dressed similarly, yelled running up to the ecstatic girl.

"Hey, Ryuko! Look who I found! It's (Y/n) (L/n) The best volleyball player like ever!" Mako exclaimed making motions around me.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys." I smiled.

"Hey. Aren't you supposed to be walking around with the all mighty Elite four?" The girl raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah supposed to but the second we got here they all split up leaving me alone." I sighed.

"Well if you want you can hang out with Mako and me." Ryuko smiled.

"Really!" I beamed.

"Of course!x It'll be awesome to tell my parents that I actually got to hang out with you! Hold on say cheese!" Mako held out a camera taking a selfie of the three of us. An hour in we had tried most of the games and got on a bunch of rides.

"Look at that!" Mako yelled dropping her candy apple while pointing at a bright heart-shaped ride.

"It's the tunnel of love! Let's get on! Let's get on! Let's get on! Let's get on!" She yelled pushing Ryuko and me into a 'love boat' while she got on the one after us.

"Well, this is tacky," I commented laughing at all the cliché lovey doevy stuff.

"Right!" Ryuko laughed as we pointed out everything wrong with the 'romantic' parts.

"You have reached the end of the ride, but in order to get off, you must kiss your partner." A voice rang through the speakers.

"Huh?!" Ryuko and I yelled as we tried to pry the lap bar open.

"Damn it where's Senketsu when you need him!" Ryuko cried.

"If you refuse to kiss we will have no option but to annihilate you." The voice spoke again only this time the room turned a menacing red and missiles surrounded us.

"Annihilate?!" I exclaimed looking around the room but there was no escape. Turning to each other we swallowed the lumps in our throats.

"On three," Ryuko instructed to which I nodded.

"One... two... three!" We both shut our eyes and kissed.

"Thank you for your cooperation and have a nice day!" The boat zoomed out back to the entrance. Flustered I jumped out nearly tripping over my own feet Ryuko having the same reaction

"What took you guys so long?" Mako tilted her head as she stuffed her face with sweets.

"Oh, hey look your picture." The brunette cheered grabbing the pair and handing it to us. Looking at the picture it had a pink border and in the center, it had Ryuko and me kissing with hearts all around it. 

"Woaaahhh! Ryuko I had no idea you liked (Y/n) that way!" Mako exclaimed staring at the picture.

"No, I don't!" 


This came out of nowhere

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