Kanto Region

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I found Takarada's lines fun to write for some reason


"Awwww snap! We got Satsuki up in the hissy! Damn girl you hotter now than the last time I saw you!" Takarada grinned.

"And you've become even more loathsome, though I barely recall our first meeting." Satsuki retorted.

"Rememba? We graduated from grade school you had that party in the backyard? My old man Takarada of the Takarada syndicate? You should be honored I even showed up!" He sassed.

"You should be honored I still have some vague recollection of your face." Satsuki shot back.

"Ha same ol' hoe looking down on homies like you some sort of queen! Yo girl if you think you can bust on in here and get all up in my business you got another thing coming!" Takarada smirked while fanning himself with a stack of cash.

"So have you if you continue to oppose my will, making mercenaries of citizens how are you raised to use money in such a detestable way!" Satsuki growled.

"When it comes to cash who cares how you use it! Yo Japan is split down the mid with the Takarada syndicate on the west side and the Kiriyuuin suckers on the east! So I'll pay if we don't throw it down to our homies who will!? You went and dumped yo cash on funky threads that power up and that's cool yo, but check it!" Takarada exclaimed tossing up a coin.

"With some change, I get all these homies to fight for me and if I pay them enough they'd die for me! Money is what gets folks motivated the way it's always been! The money is the power!" Takarada yelled as we were jumped.

"That's where you're mistaken..." Satsuki replied taking out her sword and slicing a few times before pointing it at Takarada which caused silence to break out.

"Wassup? What was that all about?" Takarada leaned over his pedestal.

"I'm proving the depth of your falling." She whispered confidently before tapping her wrist against the handle of her sword which caused everyone to fall.

"Go! Leave the area or you will die!" Satsuki threatened, swinging her sword which caused a gust of air which made me hold on to Uzu who held my waist protectively. This action by Satsuki made all the citizens run away in panic.

"Do you see, Takarada? Money doesn't rule people, fear does." Satsuki lectured as his tower fell down.

"You think you got me down, huh?!" Takarada stood up flabbergasted

"Cut the act already you're terrified, I can hear it in your voice." Uzu smirked.

"Yeah, whateva I'm scared you happy? What you want there's no point in acting tough now!" Takarada scurried away.

"Don't you have any self-respect or are you really that worthless." Satsuki sneered.

"Shameful..." I whispered.

"Worthless she says, babe, my worth is about to blow the roof off this biatch!" He smirked pressing a large red button. The ground began to shake before he was engulfed in a giant coat which began to transform as he laughed crazily, cutting up the coat he revealed a giant crab machine thing.

"AHAHAHA BAM! This is my anti-Honnouji mobile suit, my Dountonbori Robo! If you outgunned yo your ass gotta get a bigger gun yo! Anything goes if you want to be a baller!" He yelled.

"Pathetic," Satsuki commented.

"Pathetic and tacky, my Lady." Uzu and I nodded.

"What you talking about? You got no eyes, son." Takarada sassed glaring at Uzu.

"He doesn't need eyes to see how crappy that thing is." I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"You just jealous you can't afford a gold mecha crab." He retorted.

"Gold mecha crab? Geez, you are a dork." Uzu insulted.

"Yo that does it I'm squashing these peeps right now!" Takarada yelled slamming a golden claw down on us, quickly Uzu grabbed me by the waist and pulled me away.

"Athletic club prepare to attack!" Uzu commanded making the clubs obey immediately.

"Javelin, archery, discus, volleyball, shot put, stomp attack!" The clubs got to work including myself who led the team and timed their attacks.

"AHAHAHA YOU JOCKS AIN'T WORTH THE PAPER I WIPE MY ASS WITH!" Takarada yelled as he shot down the clubs and easily swiped away the students running towards him. Takarada and Satsuki bickered for a bit until the ugly male had enough and shot at Satsuki which in hindsight very well buried Takarada six-feet underground as Gamagori appeared shielding Satsuki away from the explosion. In the distance, I saw the others appear with their new Goku Uniform and with them, I saw Uzu jump up to receive his.

'He looks even hotter in this one.' I bit my lip at the sight of his uniform which made him look way more attractive.

"You a cheap ass hero in a cheap ass pose, son!" Takarada growled.

"Shut your mouth! I'm Uzu Sanageyama of Honnouji Academy en garde! Blade Regalia mark three!" Uzu yelled before attacking.

"MEN, DOU, KOTE! MEN, DOU, KOTE! MEN, DOU, KOTE!" Uzu attacked he went in for the last hit only for Takarada to go over him and drop something from the rear end of the suit.

'Ew!' I cringed.


Feel free to correct me on any spelling mistakes

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