A Duel

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This might get a little crappy... *rubs hands together*


~(Y/n)'s Pov~

Hanging around school alone I sighed as I thought about Sanageyama who had ditched me because he apparently had something important to do.

"Don't know what could be more important than hanging out with me," I mumbled as I was about to leave only to be stopped by a sign.

'Challenge to a duel. Attention, Ryuko Matoi of class  2-A: I will be waiting in the Kendo club dojo after school.

'That idiot!' I frowned running to the dojo. Arriving in the heat of the battle I watched as Uzu in his Blade Regalia beating the living hell out of Ryuko. She actually collapsed at one point completely beat up but she got up and sliced off a piece of her Kamui which she then tore into pieces and used it to cover Uzu's eyes

"My eyes!" He cried tearing at the fabric covering his eyes.

"Here we go! Finishing move: Senisoshitsu!" Ryuko yelled tearing through Uzu's blade regalia form.

"You did it Ryuko! You did it! You beat one of the elite four! You're amazing and fast and awesome!" Mako cheered.

"I'm not done with you yet! I'll fight you naked! Come on Matoi!" Uzu exclaimed making me cover my eyes. I heard a series of slaps and cries of pain coming from Uzu.

"You're pathetic Sanageyama! You have disgraced the Elite Four." Gamagori yelled I opened my eyes to find Uzu on his knees with his head lowered. The whole dojo was immediately cleared out with only Uzu remaining in his position. I walked over him and placed a towel over his back.

"Come on," I urged crouching down.

"Go away." He whispered.

"What?" I frowned.

"Leave me alone. I-I need to be alone right now." He explained.

"Fine, but you have to explain this whole crap to me." I frowned leaving him alone in the dojo. That night I went home alone and the next day I made it to school alone and in all my classes he wasn't there either. I went home a little down that day laying in bed with the stuffed monkey that idiot got me. Closing my eyes I relaxed to the sound of rain and heavy thunder only to frown when the lights went out.

"It was nice while it lasted," I grumbled lighting up the scented candles on my desk.

-Tap, tap, tap- I turned to the window and jumped when the lightning struck to reveal a familiar looking person with a bandana wrapped around their eyes.

"Uzu?!" I exclaimed opening the window.

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled as I ran to the bathroom to get him a towel to dry off.

"Sorry I just needed to talk to you." 

"Wait, whats wrong with your face?" I frowned.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"Why do you have that bandana covering your eyes?"


You should totally read my other books 👌🏻 shameless self-promo cause that's all I can offer. 

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