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When we next returned to school I sat next to Mako during the matches and was honestly surprised at how the Elite Four were dropping like flies. Although Nonon did a terrible job when she blew up the whole arena, except where Mako, Gamagori, Houka, and I were sitting, only to still lose. Finally, it was Uzu's turn to go up.

"WOOHOO! Go Uzu!" I cheered.

"(L/N) SIT DOWN!" Gamagori growled.

"Oh, bite me! You have no power over me anymore!" I laughed victoriously, placing my pinkies into my mouth I let out a loud wolf whistle.

"YOU'VE GOT THIS BABE!" I cheered using a pet name to somehow be more encouraging. Once Satsuki let the battle begin Uzu transformed into his battle regalia only to be stopped by a lolita girl with a parasol who cut in.

"SANAGEYAMA, GET OUT OF THERE!" Satsuki suddenly yelled panic evident in her voice.

"Why does Lady Satsuki sound so panicked?" Gamagori frowned.

"I've never seen her lose it like that," Nonon added.

"Whoever she is she can't be any good." I stood up. Houka quickly typed into his computer and came up with nothing.

"There's no data on her!" He gasped, within that time Ryuko de-transformed from her Senketsu.

"What is the meaning of this, Nui Harime?" Satsuki glared. The girl began to compliment Satsuki who simply shot back mean retorts at the small girl.

"I'm not gonna let anyone get in the way of my fight with Matoi! so move it!" Uzu growled.

"Sorry love can't do that! Might as well find a seat because I'm gonna be fighting her next!" Harime giggled.

"I said get out of my way!" Uzu yelled bringing down his Kendo sword on her, but she simply held up her parasol and stopped it as if it were nothing.

"What?!" Uzu cried.

"The hell?!" Gamagori exclaimed.

"She blocked a three-star!" Houka intervened.

"Without a uniform?!" Nonon finished.

"To hell with that! She used a parasol!" I exclaimed. Uzu shook as he struggled to fully bring his Kendo sword down on the small girl who continued to block hold him off as if it was nothing.

"Gosh, this won't do! I was hoping you would be more fun, but you're not!" Harime smiled as Uzu brought his Kendo sword up with his finishing move 'Isshin Zenzanken' just as he lifted his arms up the Lolita dug her pinky into his suit,

"Go back to being a naked monkey, sweetie!" She smiled as she pulled off a red string and completely destroyed Uzu's regalia.

"Impossible!" He cried.

"Hai!" The girl exclaimed before pushing him off the platform.

"I'm gonna go get him," I told the group who ignored me as I grabbed another tracksuit and jumped down to the floor of the courtyard.

"Uzu! Uzu! Where are you!" I called out looking around.

"Up here!" I heard him growl I looked up to find him hanging off one of the pillars by his Kendo sword but that wasn't all, he was completely nude.

"AGH!" I cried turning away.

"Aww come on it's not like it's nothing you've ever seen before." He yelled as he landed with a thud.

"It's still weird." I huffed turning to him with closed eyes while handing him the tracksuit.

"Thanks, babe." He teased pecking my lips. 

"Yeah yeah," I blushed waiting a small while I finally opened my eyes to find him fully clothed.

"Let's go the others are up there." I pointed at our spots.

"Alright," He grinned softly picking me up bridal style before jumping through the rubble all the way up to the others.


iS tHis LoSs? *Dabs away*

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