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I woke up and got dressed in my uniform. I did my hair like this

Grabbed an apple and walked out the front door

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Grabbed an apple and walked out the front door. I can walk to my school now. I used to have Sam pick me up. But that was all over now. I walked into the outdoor hallway and walked down the hall. I saw a group of kids and walked over to them to see if they could help me find the office. "Hi, I was wondering if one of you can show me the main office." I Said in a tone that wasn't polite but wasn't rude. "Who are you?" One of the girls asked me really rudely. "What's it to you?" I Said stepping closer to her. "So that i know what a nerdy new kid we are talking too." She said in the classic mean girl tone. "Well, I'm so sorry to break it to you. But I will not be a victim of your bullying. If you expect me to run off and cry you've got another thing coming. And next time learn not to test me." I Said to her once again stepping forward. "Oh, we have a feisty one on our hands guys. I like her, if you are going to hang with us. You have to learn to listen to us." She said crossing her arms. "I only listen to the people I respect Barbie! And that's not you or anyone else for that matter." I Said in a peppy voice going into a madder voice. "What did you just call me?" She Asked in a sassy tone. "You heard me Barbie. Do you need me to spell it out for you, I think you can't understand me because I speak without my entire vocabulary stretched out into a sentence." I said slow and obnoxious. "Wow, I really do like her! She is just like us. So what's your name beautiful?" Said a boy with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes, he was so cute. "Kennith, Katniss Kennith." I Said confident. "Wow, just like from the movie."
Said a girl with her hair in two buns on the top of her head and wearing a leather jacket instead of the uniform jacket. "Oh, I see. Your the Bad Kids in this town." I said impressed. "Yea, why are you?" The same girl asked. "You don't even know the half of it." I Said to them walking away.they really don't know that half or it. I said to myself as I walked to another group of kids to ask them for help. "Hey, im Katniss, and I was wondering if someone could show me to the main office." I asked. "Sure we would be happy to help!" Said a blond girl with blue eyes and she smiled at me. A worm smile, I haven't seen one of those in a while. "I'm Lexi!" She said peppy. "Oh, typical blonde girl name." I Said under my breath. "What was that?" She asked politely. "Oh, nothing." I Said as we walked to the main office. "Thanks for your help." I Said. "Your welcome, if you need anything else just ask!" She said turning and skipping away. She is way to happy for my taste. I said to myself. "Hello, I'm Katniss, I'm here to get my schedule." I Said to the lady at the front desk. "Ok dear, here you go."
She said handing me a paper with my classes, and locker number. "Ok thanks." I said walking out of the office. "Your welcome." She Said after me. I once again run into the bad kids and the invited me to sit with them at lunch. I was shocked. I said yes and went to my first class.
I walked into the lunch room and saw the bad kids sitting at there table, I walked over to them and sat down. "Woah, Woah little missy, if you think you can just come and sit down her you've got another thing com—-" Said a boy I didn't see from this morning, and the girl that I met cut him off. "Hey, hey Devon relax! We invited her, we met her this morning, she has sass and attitude to fill 13 Olympic sizes swimming pools!" Said the girl In my defense. "Ok Jayden." He said calming down. "So I'm Jayden." Said the girl in the leather jacket from earlier. "I'm Noah." Said the boy that called me beautiful before. "I'm Devon as you heard." Said the one that was freaking out about me sitting here. "I'm Sasha." Said the girl I had the fight with. "And I'm Flynn." Said a boy looking at me funny. He seemed really quiet. "And I'm Julianna, but my friends call me Annie." Said a girl that also seemed quite. "So spill the tea girl." Said Sasha. "What?" I asked confused. "Tell is why you had to move here." Said Jayden. It's clear that I don't speak Australia yet. I need to get caught up. "Well, I kinda got caught robbing a store with my friends back in New York. They bailed on me and the head officer gave me one last chance to not be locked up for over a decade. Me and my sister took the deal and here I am." I finished my story and a Of there mouths were wide open. "What?" I asked annoyed. "It's just that, we are bad, but not as bad as to get put in jail for over a decade." Said Annie. "Do you guys want to skip, I'm so bored." Whined Flynn. "Let's go." I Said to the, we walked out the door and ran. I am faster so I just ran ahead. Clearly Noah was the fastest because we were neck and neck. Noah stopped running when we got to a abandoned wear house. "Shall we?" He said opening the door for me. "We shall!" I responded in the same posh accent he had. I walked in and he closed the door. "Were are the others?" I asked confused. "There so slow! They'll be here in like 5. What do you want to do?" He asked me. "Woah!" I just realized the place was amazing. The walls from head to toe were covered in spray paint art and it was beautiful. "This is so beautiful!" I Said to Noah. "But not as beautiful as you." He said. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around slowly. "Was that a attempt at flirting?" I asked him with a smile. "Maybe." He said Laughing. "Well then you need a lot more practice." I Said to him laughing. "Hey! Im the schools player. I think I can flirt." He said laughing. "Really? I thought they would pick someone cute." I Said in a sassy undertone. "Oh, now your gonna get it." He said laughing. I started running around. And he chased me. He caught up to me and grabbed me from behind and started tickling me. "No! Stop! Omg!" I Said in between laughs. He stopped and he put me down on the couch and sat next to me. Me and Noah were still laughing and the others came in. "What's so funny?" Asked Annie walking in. "Nothing!" Me and Noah exclaimed at the same time causing us to laugh more. "Ok then?" Said Sasha confused. "What do y'all wanna do?" I Asked. "We could play truth or dare?" Said Annie. "Sure." Me and Noah said at the same time. Quick looked at each other again, and then laughed. "Ok, Katniss, Truth or Dare?" Asked Jayden. "Truth." I Said sternly. "It it True that when we were gone you and Noah kissed!" Said said and everyone but me and Noah started ohh ing. "No." I Said. Everyone started booing me. "What? Your supposed to tell the truth and I did!" I Said in defense. "Well, Noah Truth or Dare?" I asked him. "Dare."   "I dare you to not swear for the rest of the game." I Said smirking. "No!" He exclaimed. "Yes. It's a dare you have to do it." I Said to him. "Fine." He said a little annoyed. "Well, it payback for what you did to me!" I Said in defense. "True." He said smiling. "Ok, Katniss Truth or Dare?" Asked Noah. I knew I was going to be in for it this time. "Dare." I Said to him. "I dare you to tell us something that you've done in the past that your ashamed of." He said it and the words tingled down my spine. I knew exactly what I should say. "I kinda, may have, gotten a tattoo by an artist." I Said. "Really?" Noah asked. "Yea, it's just a little heart on my ankle with my parents names on them. My parents died when I was three so me and my sister both got them." I Said to they tears dwelling up in my eyes. "I'm so sorry." Said Noah giving me a side hug. "It's fine, I never knew them so there's nothing to miss." I Said to them. "Ok, Katniss truth or dare?" Asked Flynn. "Why am I being targeted?" I asked. "Because your new!" Said Flynn. "Dare" I Said knowing I was going to regret it. "I dare you to tell us what you and Noah were doing before we walked in." He said with a smug look on his face. Yup I regret it! I looked at Noah and he gave me a nod to say it was ok for me to tell them. "Ok so this boy over here tried flirting with me, I told him off in a playful way and he chased me around the room and picked me up and tickled me. When you guys came in he put me down on the couch and sat next to me and we were still laughing about it." I explained. The girls started to come up with ship names and the boys were just watching the girls. "Ok so it's Koah or Natniss." They Said laughing. "Ok I'm done with this. It's getting late and I'm going home." I Said to them getting up. "Hey can I come?" Asked Noah. "Why?" I asked in a sassy tone. "The streets of Sydney at night aren't the best place for beautiful girls like yourself. You need someone strong to protect you." He explained. "If I need someone strong then why are you coming?" I asked in a sassy tone. "Ouch." He said putting his hand on his chest. "Sorry, not sorry." I Said laughing. We left the wear house and walked to my house. "So, What was the real reason you wanted to come with?" I asked breaking the silence. "Well number one to talk to you more, number two to get your number, and number three because creeps walk around at night." He listed. I couldn't help but smile. "Ok, why is that person walking towards us?" I asked confused and a little worried. "I don't know but he might be coming for you. Ok, get behind me and stay there." He said. I did as I was instructed. "Ok, just keep your head down and hold my hand." He said. Once again I did what I was instructed. The guy passed and I took a sigh of relief. "That was scary." I Said to Noah still my voice a little shaken. "Ok, your house is coming up right?" He asked me. "Here is my house I said stopping. "Ok, we'll see you tomorrow beautiful." He said walking away. "Wait, you forgot the second thing you wanted to walk me home for." I Said to him. "Right." He said walking back over to me. I gave him my number and I walked inside. I went up to my room and fell asleep.

I know really long chapter, I just had a lot of ideas and I wanted to end it this way. If you haven't read mean girls, if you have then that book will be coming to an end soon so I can focus on this! Thx byeeeee💗

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