Noah Giver

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    I woke up that morning to a call on my phone. I read the number and I didn't recognize it so, me being the person I am, called back to see who it was. "Hello?" I asked when someone picked up the phone. "Hey Katniss, it's Noah." My heart started exploding of happiness. I've never felt this way before, never. "Hey Noah!" I Said way to happy and calmed myself down. "Do you want a ride to school?" My heart fluttered at his words. "Sure what time should I be ready?"  "In like 30 is that good?" He asked. "Sure, see you then. I have to get ready."   "Ok bye Kat." When He Said Kat unpleasant memories flooded back into my head. How my so called "friends" abandoned me to get in trouble by myself and not even take some of the blame. A little mad I got up and got ready into our new uniforms. Yes we got new uniforms. They give them out like every 5 years and I got a new one like a week after I get here. Here is the new uniform

But instead of uniform jacket I'll wear

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But instead of uniform jacket I'll wear...

But instead of uniform jacket I'll wear

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My black leather jacket. I'm back! And better than ever.
      After like 5 minutes of waiting, I heard a beep of a car horn outside of my house. It was a mustang convertible. It was bright red and looked brand new. "Where did you get a car like this?" I asked opening the door to get in. " family has a lot of money." He simply stated. "It's so nice." I Said to him in awe. "Let's get to school!" He said laughing. I buckled my seat belt and we drove to school. As I got out and so did Noah I got a lot of dirty looks. Of course I shot them right back. "There jealous." Said Noah whispering in my ear. "Ok, I said soft enough for only him to hear. "Let's go, He said grabbing my hand and walking to our friend group. "Hey guys!" Said Noah as we walked into the circle. "Awe!" Gushed the girls as we were still holding hands as if it wasn't a big deal. "What?" I asked sharply. "You and Noah are holding hands! I ship it! Koah for life!" Said Sasha with a big smile. "What, where did you get that from?" Asked Noah not even realizing that we were still holding hands. I tapped Noah's shoulder and pointed down to our hands. We both let go immediately. "Awe, I get it secret love." Said Annie whispering in my ear. I quickly elbowed her, not to hard, like a friendly one. "Shut it Wethers!" I Said laughing. "Oh shut it yourself Kennith!" She said laughing along with me. "Hey, you know that Noah never lets anyone ride in his car right, were not even aloud in it!" Said Jayden. "Well, then I guess I'm the first!" I Said in a happy tone. "By the way, I love your jacket! So cute." She Said with a smile. "Thanks has it sense I was little, not it actually fits me." I said with a laugh. "Let's go to class." Said Noah putting his arm around me and walking away from the group. "Still, there to cute!" Said Jayden. I could here them chanting," Koah, Koah, Koah!" It was like it was never ending. "Hey, we have all classes together right?" Asked Noah as we were walking. I still got a lot of dirty looks from girls. I excused myself and went to the girls bathroom. When I got in I fixed my hair and my makeup. My hair was in a bun and I was over it, so I took out my hair revealing my lose beach wave curls and my blond streaks in my medium brown hair. As I was fixing my makeup some girls walked in. " Your Katniss right?" Asked the one in the middle. "Who wants to know?" My classic response when people ask me questions like that. "Faith, Faith Txunamy". I've heard that name before, I don't know how and I don't know when, but I have. "Yea, I am Katniss, why?" I asked in the rudest tone, I did this on purpose. "Well, you clearly have no idea who I am, I'm the captained the cheer squad and the most popular girl in school." She said flipping her hair like a mean girl from a movie. "Well, what are you talking to me for?" I Said once again rude. "You need to stay away from Noah!" She said in a classic mean girl tone. "Well what are you going to do if I don't." I Said a sassy as I turned away from the mirror. "You don't want to know." She Said all serious like. "It seems to me like a little cheer captain thinks she's all big and bad, when in reality she isn't, and gives out empty threats." I Said all sassy once again. "Well, you clearly don't know anything Katniss." She Said as she slapped me a crossed the face. I of course slapped her back but harder than when she had slapped me. Her fist came at me and I dodged it and grabbed onto her fist before she could punch me. I took He arm and flipped her. She laid on the bathroom floor clearly in pain. "Next time, learn not to test me, "Faith"!" I said as I turned back to the mirror, I put on my blood red lip gloss and walked out of the bathroom. I don't know why when I came out of the bathroom people started starring at me. Sure, I have blonde highlights in my medium brown hair, and had lose curls in my hair that were natural, and my hair was about to the bottom of my lower back. But the thing that was so out of place was that I had all these darker features, and bright aqua, Crystal eyes. My hair was dark, my clothes were dark, but I had aqua blue eyes. I wondered for years were I got them from, I've asked Leaha but she won't give me an answer, so I've kinda given up on it. I found Noah and walked up to him. "Hey!" I Said looking up at him. "Hey." He said putting his arm around me. "What took so long?" He Asked. "Had a run In with a girl, she slapped me, I slapped her back harder, she tried to punch me but I moved out of the way and caught her fist, then I flipped her fixed my lip gloss and walked out." I explained, he looked stunned. "What?" I asked annoyed. "It's just that- what was her name?" He cut himself off. Odd. "Her name was like Faith Txunamy or something like that. Why?" I asked clueless. "Oh no.....Katniss What did you just do."

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