Goodie Two Shoes

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       "Wake up Katniss. School." Logan yelled from the stairs. "Shut up!" I yelled back. "Don't talk like that Katniss." He Said as he walked up the stairs into my room. "I just want you to like me." He said sitting on my bed. "I want to be a good dad." He Said. "Well, dragging me here, taking me away from Leaha, and saying that my boyfriend is bad isn't exactly the way to get me to like you." I Said getting up. "Leave please I'm going to get ready." I Said and pointed to the door. When he walked out I slammed it shut and got ready. I did my hair and put on my leather jacket. Once I was ready I FaceTimed Noah. "Hey!" I Said when he picked up the phone. "Hey Babe." He Said. "KATNISS COME DOWN HERE NOW!" Logan exclaimed. "I guess I have to go. Pick me up please!" I Said. "Yeah. Just send me the address." He Said. "Ok, Love you!" I Said. "Love you too." He said and I ended the call. I walked downstairs. "What Logan! I was on the phone!" I Said mad. "I want you to meet your siblings." He Said. I look at the first girl and see her blonde hair and blue eyes. It's Lexi the basic girl. I look next to her and see  another blonde chick with blue eyes. And then I see Flynn. "Me and Lexi have met, same with Flynn. But who's that!" I Said pointing to the girl in the middle. "I'm Alesha. Nice to meet you." She Said all polite. "Ok, first, drop the manners with me. And second you hang out with Lexi's group of girls don't you." I Said. "Yeah. Why?" She Said. "I don't hang out with a pair of Goodie Two Shoes. Sorry!" I Said walking out and hitting Flynn in the shoulder. My phone buzzed. "Bye Logan!" I Said as I walked out the door. I walked over to Noah's car and got in. "Hey!" I Said kissing him on the cheek. "Hey!" He said as he started the car up. "So what's up." She Asked. "Met my "siblings" and two of them are goodie two shoes' I can't live with those people." I Said with a little laugh. "Same here. Hey do you want to come over after school?" He asked. "Yes please!" I Said and we arrived at school. I walked out of the car and got many stares from He goodie two shoes'. Lexi walked up to me. "What do you want!" I Said annoyed. "For to come meet my friends silly!" She Said all happy. "Sure." I Said and she grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to a group of kids. She introduced me and here was this one Kid named Asher that stared at me and the Noah. We walked away. "What was with that Asher kid. He looked like he knew you." I Said. "Yeah, He does. He's my younger brother." He admitted. "I like you better." I Said laughing. "Yeah. That's a first." He Said laughing too. We walked up to our group. "Hey Annie!" I said. "Omg when we talked on the phone I didn't believe you but omg I'm so sorry." She Said hugging me. "It's ok. I'm going to have to live with this jerk." I Said pointing to Flynn. "Watch your mouth Kennith." He said. "Your just like Logan. Horrible." I said. "Look, you think I want you to be my sister?" He said in a tone. "I don't want you to be my brother! I would be happy with literally everyone else but you!" I said mad. He walked over and slapped me again. "What was that for you jerk!" I exclaimed. "For being annoying!" He said as he rolled his eyes. He slapped me again... Noah went off. "What did I say Flynn." He Said. "What?" He Said with a attitude. "I Said to never touch her again." He Said. He walked up to Flynn. I got in the middle of them. "Hey, Hey, Noah don't do anything that you will regret ok." I Said putting my hand on his chest trying to keep him back. "Kat. I won't regret this. He is supposed to be your older brother. He's supposed to protect you. Not hurt you." He said all angry. "Please don't." I Said looking into his eyes. "Now let's go to class." I said grabbing his hand. Annie followed us. "YEAH. WALK AWAY NOAH. I WOULDN'T WANT TO BE SEEN AROUND WITH MY DISAPPOINTMENT FOR LITTLE SISTER." Flynn called after him. He turned around and ran back tackling Flynn to the ground. He punched him and Flynn punched back. I ran over and tried to get Noah off of him but it wasn't working. A teacher came to break it up. They finally stopped fighting and I hugged Noah. Even after he did this I still love him. I mean who can't? The teacher took all three of us to the office. I walked in first. "Hello Katniss. Come sit." He Said. I sat down and put my feet on the table. "Why am I here?" I asked with attitude. "Your here because you were a witness to the fight. Who started it?" He asked. "Flynn." I Said. "What did he do to start it?" He asked. "He called me a Disappointment for a sister after slapping me twice and Noah defended me." I Said like it was no big deal. "Can I leave now?" I asked. "Y-Yes you may go." He Said. I walked out and kissed Noah on the cheek. "Good Luck." I whispered to him. He just stared at me and bit his lip. I rolled my eyes and gave him the finger. He just laughed at me. Man I love that guy. They got everything situated or whatever and we went to class. Long story short we all got after school detention for a month. "My dad is going to kill me." He Said Under his breath. "Well, I don't care what Logan thinks about me." I Said. "Katniss, we get it! Your bad!"He Said rolling  his eyes. Well, the day went by quick and it was detention time. We went in and the door shut locking us inside. "So, What now?" Noah asks me with a smirk. "I don't know, how about this." I Said as I put my arms around his neck. I kissed him and the kiss turned into a make out. "Ok, you two stop." Flynn said. We didn't though. We just kept going. I pulled away. "If we want to have fun. We have to wait for this bozo to stop talking." I Said to Noah. We were inches apart. My arms are still around his neck and his hands are still around my waist. I kissed him again. I couldn't help it! He's too cute not to kiss. I pulled away again. "Awe." Noah said playfully. "Yay! The pain has stopped!" Flynn said sitting down in a seat. "Shut Up Flynn." I Said with attitude. Flynn got up all mad and walked away. "Why do you hate me so much?" I asked him also mad. "I don't hate you." He said giving in. "Then why do you hit me!" I Said. "I don't know Katniss. I really don't know. It's all I've evert known." He Said in defeat. "Is that what Logan teaches you? To hurt people?" I asked. "Yes. He is abusing my sisters and mother. Your lucky he hasn't hit you yet." He Said. "What?" I Said in shock. I walked over and hugged Flynn. "That must be hard." I whispered to him. "It is. And I don't care what happens to me. If he try's to hurt you he will have to go threw me." He Said. "I still don't trust you." Noah said. "Same here. Plus it's a little hard to watch my little sister making out with one of my best friends right in front of me." He Said with a laugh. "Sorry!" I Exclaimed. "Well, I'm sorry Katniss. I shouldn't have been so rude to you. You didn't deserve that." He said looking down at the floor. "It's fine. I'm tough. I can handle it." I Said. We hugged one more time and we all talked. This is great! I have a big brother and a amazing boyfriend. Life is going good so far. Or so I thought.

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