Her Big Mistake

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"Why Oh no?" I was so confused. "Um.... Her dad..... is kinda the principle." He said stuttering. "WHAT!?!?" I yelled. The whole hallway stopped and looked at me. "Yes." He said sad. I've never seen Noah sad. Then again I've known him for a like two days so who am I to talk! "Oh no, I'm going to be expelled! My sister is going to kill me!" I said in a panic. "You won't be expelled Kat! Calm down." He said to me. Once again that nickname brought back some bad memories. But I didn't care. He would call me Kat and I would call him Noah, not very creative but I mean how do you shorting the name Noah! It's only four letters! "Ok, but I'm worried." I Said to him looking up at him. "Kat, your going to be just fine i promise." He Said giving me a hug. "Ok, I'm trusting you." I Said with a laugh. "And you wont regret it." He Said. "Can Katniss Kennith please report to the principals office, Katniss Kennith to the principals office, thank you." The announcement when off and everyone stared at me and Noah. "Can you come with me?" I asked giving him the puppy dog eyes. "Ok, fine." He said walking with me. "Ahh, Katniss! Come sit. Mr. Giver. I didn't ask you to be here." He Said confused. "I asked him to come Russ, cool your jets." I Said in a obnoxious tone. "You will not talk to adults like that!" He yelled clearly annoyed. "Watch me." I Said to him. He was so mad his face was tomato red. It was so funny. "Mr.Giver! You have corrupted this poor girl into one of your minions and I will not stand for it—" I cut him off. "I've always been like this, don't blame him! He didn't do anything!" I stated to get upset. "Ok then, now what I called you in for. Why did you slap my daughter?" He asked in a harsh tone. "Because she slapped me first then tried to punch me so I flipped her." I explained the subject not even fazing me. "Well, That is t what she told me." "Well, that's what happened!" I Said before he could finish his sentence. "Well, I don't Believe you, my daughter would do no such thing. You have detention for two weeks!" He exclaimed. "But Sir! You can't do that! Your daughter is a little bi—" I was explaining. "Don't you dare finish that sentence." He Said sternly. "Detention! And that is final!" He said yelling. "Now both of you out of my office!" He exclaimed. "Fine!" I yelled as I walked out. "What was all the yelling about!" Noah asked when we were in the hallway. "Well, it's called defending yourself. You should try it sometime!" I Said in a peppy voice. "Hey! What did I do!" He said playfully. "Sorry, I just think I made a enemy that can say anything about me, and I get in trouble because she is a little daddy's girl!" I said annoyed. "Sorry Kat, I feel bad." Always so sweet. "Don't be, it's fine! I'm tough I can handle detention." I Said to him laughing. "I know. But I'm not going to let you sit there alone with all those creeps." He Said laughing. We went to class and sat down. "Hey!" I Said to Annie. She is my best friend out of the group. We have a lot in common. "Hey! What was the whole announcement thing about." She Asked not really asking. I told her the story and class started. Noah's words rang through my head. "I'm not going to let you sit there alone." Just then Noah crumpled up a peace of paper and threw it at the teacher. This was a strict teacher. No one dares to do anything like that in his class. "Who threw that!" She said mad. Noah razed his and and stood up. "Detention! For two weeks!" She yelled loud. I was smiling. As Noah sat down he said. "Told you I wouldn't let you sit through it alone." All I did was smile at him and he smiled back. Sadly class continued.
After school detention.
Me and Noah walked into the detention room and no one else was there. "Oh no. Ok, Noah show the new one the ropes I have to go." Said the teacher and walked out of the classroom and locked the door so we couldn't get out. "What is this? A maximum security prison or something!" I exclaimed causing Noah to laugh. "Yea, kinda they always leave and lock the door so we can escape. It's kinda weird." He Said laughing. "How is it weird?" I asked clueless. "Because, they lock high schoolers in a room together, all alone, a boy and a girl." He explained laughing. "Why do you have to make things dirty?!" I asked with a sassy voice. "I don't know!" He Said laughing harder. "You know it's happened before right?" He Said laughing still. "No way! It didn't!" I Said laughing harder. "Yea! It was so funny when the school found out." He Said finally stopping laughing. "Oh my god." I Said hitting my four head. "Well, what do we do while we wait?" I asked sitting on top of a desk. "Homework?" He asked. "I want to put that off as long as possible." I Said to him. I took out my phone and started texting Annie.

Me: Hey

Annie💕: Hey

Me: Wyd?

Annie💕: nothing, wait I thought you were in detention?

Me: yea, the teacher had to step out and locked me and Noah in the classroom.

Annie💕: omg! The perfect time for you two to get to know each other! We've all felt the tension between you and Noah, make it official!

Me: OMG! Nooooo! Why would I ask him that! No!

Annie💕: fine, your no fun.

Me: that's me! Noah keeps starring at me.

Annie💕: I have to go. Talk to him!

Me: fine byeee

Annie💕: byeee

End of Texting
I put my phone away and started to take out my homework. "Hey Noah?" I asked looking at him writing something on the board. "Yea Kat?" He said responding. "Can you help me with this?" I asked him. "Sure." He said walking towards me. "I don't understand this." I Said pointing out the essay we had to write. "This is easy, you have to write an essay on love." As he explained I was lost. I don't know anything about love. The only thing that I do know is that I feel happy when I'm with Noah. I feel like life is possible. He has a amazing personality. And he makes me feel so special. Is that what love is? Do I love Noah Giver?

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