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We finally got out of detention. Flynn took me home and we got out of the car. We walk inside only to see Lexi on the floor, blood on her face and bruises down her arms. Alesha just stood in shock. "What happened?" Flynn asked dropping down to Alexis level. "He-He got mad." Alesha Stuttered. "Bring her up to your room." Alesha Said. He picked up Lexi and took her to his room. He got out a medic kit from his bathroom. "You just have those around?" I asked. "With a dad like Logan. You have too." He Said bluntly. He cleaned the Cuts from her face and cleaned of the blood. She sat up and looked at us. She didn't cry she just looked at us. "What the hell are you staring at? This happens often!" She said as she got up and went to her room. "Your welcome!" Flynn called after her. She just scoffed and left the room. "Well, that hit to the head must have changed her!" I said rolling my eyes. "Yeah she's always like that. Just really, really nice around dad and at school." Flynn said. "I better go check on her. Bye guys." Alesha Said as she walked out of the door. He waved and I saluted. "KATNISS!" I heard someone yell from downstairs. I hid behind Flynn. "Everything's going to be fine. Go hide." He whispered. I nodded and went in the bathroom. I locked the door and slid down it. I called Noah. "Hey Kat!" He Said. I put my finger over my lip to tell him to be quite. He nodded his head. "WHERE IS SHE!" Logan yelled at Flynn. "I don't know who your talking about?" Flynn replies. "WHERES KATNISS!" He yelled again. "I don't know Sir." He Said. "YOUR LYING AND I KNOW IT!" He yelled at Flynn. "I KNWO WHERE THE SLUT IS!" Logan yelled again. He walked over to the door. He pounded on it. "COME OUT KATNISS!" He yelled. I flinched. "She's not in there!" Flynn said unconvincing. "NOW I K OW SHES IN THERE!" He yelled. "COME OUT KATNISS! YOU SAW WHAT HAPPENED TO LEXI! ITS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU 10x WORSE!" He yelled. Tears started to silently come down my face. I heard sirens outside. "What the hell?" I whispered into the phone. "I'm on the phone with the police they heard the whole thing." Noah whispered. "Thank you!" I mouthed the words. "No problem!" He mouthed back. I heard a slap noise. And also someone being kicked and punched. I unlocked the door quick and came out running. Flynn was on the floor with cuts and bruises on his face and he looked like he was just in a car crash. I was grabbed by the neck and held there. Flynn got up. "Hey, Hey, don't do anything to her!" Flynn said. I heard a gun being loaded. "Watch me!" He Said through his year has he held the gun to my head. We walked outside me still being held hostage. "Put the gun down!" The Officer yelled. Logan did what he was told and put the gun down he still held me at the neck tho. "Let her go!" The same Officer yelled. He let go of my neck and I ran over to Flynn's side. He hugged me. "I told you it's ok!" He whispered to me. I just nodded my head and cried. They arrested Logan and I have to go back with Leaha. Finally! Flynn decided to come with me. I was saved. So was he, Lexi, and Alesha. We all lived happy after that. And I wouldn't change anything. I have a great big brother, a amazing boyfriend, and a amazing best friend. Life's great. I'm still a baddie and that's just me. This is me. And to think this all happened because I was mixed in with The Bad Kids!

That was the end! I hope you enjoyed this story and go check out some of my other stories! Thanks! Byeeeeee!💖

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