The Enemy

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       Me and Noah walked to his house. He opened the door and we walked inside. "Thank you so much Noah." I Said hugging him starting to cry. "Don't cry Kat. What's the worst that can happen now?" He Said hugging me back. I cried in his arms. "It's ok baby." He said stroking my hair as I cried. How did I get so lucky? I don't deserve him. "I don't deserve someone like you Noah." I Said still crying. "Kat, never say that again. You deserve the world and so much more. I promise you that." He Said hugging my tighter. My phone buzzed and it was from a unknown number.
Unknown: Katniss, it's Logan your father. Come home right now young lady!
Me: why should I? Your not my father! If you were my dad you would have reached out to me all those years ago and not just to Leaha!
Logan: I am your father I helped you be alive! That makes me your dad wether you like it or not! Now I know where you are. Your with that Noah kid. I don't know where the two of you are, but I know your with him. Now come home now! I have news for you and so does your mother!
Me: No! I'm not coming home! At leased not now!
Logan: then I will find you and take you home myself!
Me: try! Go ahead, see what I care!
Logan: you are just like Leaha, a troubled child.
Me: Leaha isn't a troubled child! Don't talk about her like that!
Logan: I'm going to find you
Me: Try your hardest, you won't find me!
End of Texting
I turned back to Noah and let him read the messages. "Your dad needs to clam down." He Said. "He's not my dad. He might have helped in my existence but he didn't raze me." I Said feeling sad. What just happened started to sink in. I started to cry again. "Kat, please don't cry." He Said to me as he took me into his arms again. "Your too pretty to cry." He said lifting my chin up and smiling. I laughed a little and hugged him. We sat on the couch and cuddled for a while until there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." He Said as he got up. "Ok." I Said lifting my head off his chest. He opened the door and I heard yelling. "I KNOW SHES HERE!" He yelled. "I don't know what your talking about." He said calm. I got up to see who it was. It was Logan...
           "Katniss Elizabeth Rose! Come with me now!" He said grabbing my wrist. "NO! GET OFF!" I yelled. He was hurting me so bad. "LOGAN! YOUR HURTING ME!" I yelled. "Logan? Logan! Your going to call me Logan! I'm Your FATHER!" He yelled. "I DONT CARE! NOW LET GO!" I yelled as I got out of his grip and hugged Noah. "How did you even find me?" I asked still holding on to Noah. I feel safe with him. I won't let go until he leaves. He held up his phone. "YOU PUT A TRACKER ON ME!" I exclaimed. "Yes Katniss! You are my daughter. Of course I did." He said calmer now. "WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled. "Watch your language young lady!" He exclaimed. "Once again. Your not my father! Just because you say it doesn't make it true!" I Said. "Katniss , Come on! Me and your mother have news. We need to tell you together." He said grabbing my wrist again. I pulled away. "I will go on one condition. Noah comes with me." I Said crossing my arms. "Fine." He Said as we all walked out the door. I still was holding on to Noah. We reached the house and I heard my favorite song blasting. What in the world? We walk in and see Leaha. "Thank god!" She let out a sigh of relief. "Katniss! I was so worried!" She ran up to me and gave me a hug. "I'm fine Leaha. I was at Noah's." I simply said. "You better not of..." She Said looking at me worried. "No! Leaha! I'm 15! We just watched TV and hung out." I Exclaimed . "Ok good." She Said once again letting out a sigh of relief. I just laughed at her. "You said you had to tell me something? What is it?" I Said. "Noah, you should go." Leaha Said to him. "No! I said to Logan that the only way I would come was I'd I could bring Noah." I Said to her. "Ok." Leaha Said with a sigh. "Katniss, you are going to live with Logan for a while. I have college and he wants to be in your life so instead of leaving you here for two weeks, your going to stay with him." She Said it fast. "WHAT!" I exclaimed. "I don't want to live with him Leaha!" I exclaimed. "You have too!" She stated. "And that's that!" "Fine." I Said with a attitude. "And, Noah?" I Said to him. "Yes Kat?" "Let's go." "What ever you want." He said smiling. We walked out the door and I heard more yelling. Me and Noah stopped to listen. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU LET HER DRESS LIKE THAT! I THOUGHT YOU HAD MORE SENSE!" "CLOTHES ARE AWAY FOR HER TO EXPRESS HERSELF! AND YOU ARNT TAKING THAT AWAY!" "WELL! NO DAUGHTER OF MINE WILL DRESS AND ACT LIKE A SLUT! THANK GOD SHES COMING WITH ME!" He yelled and then they yelled some more but I blocked it out. I don't dress like a slut! Noah must have saw how hurt I was and hugged me tight. "Baby, your not a slut. Logan is over reacting. Your beautiful, not a slut." He said pulling me close to him. "Thank you. I don't deserve you." I Said to him. "Don't day that again. Like I said before you deserve the world Kat. I love you." My eyes lit up. "I love you too." I Said and we sat outside the house until the arguing stopped. "KATNISS ELIZABETH ROSE! GO TO YOUR ROOM AND PACK NOW!" Logan yelled. "Fine!" I Said dragging the word. "Come on Noah." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him up to my room. I closed the door. I grabbed my bag and started to pack. Me and Noah talked for a long time. I love him so much. He's so supportive. How did I get so lucky?
I finished packing and hugged Noah. "I love you." I Said to him. "I love you more." He Said setting me down. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed back and placed his hands on my hips. We started to make out. Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Why are they all such buzz kills?" I asked him with a smile. "I have no idea." He Said as Logan walked threw the door. He saw his hands on my waist and my arms around his neck. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He yelled. "RELAX! We were talking and I was playing music. We were dancing." I lied. "Noah, Leave." He Said all angry. "Ok, see you later Kat. Nice to meet you sir." He Said as he walked out of my room. "What were you too doing?" He asked again. "Nothing! We were doing what I told you." I exclaimed angry. "I now you weren't doing that Kat!" He exclaimed. "No! You don't call me Kat, only Noah and Annie call me Kat!" I corrected him. "Who is Annie? Your friend in your group of Hooligans?" He asked with sass. "No! There not Hooligans! There my friends! It's better then being a goodie two shoes like your kids!" I exclaimed. "Katniss, we are leaving now. Go down to the car. I will take your bags." He said sighing. "Oh yea, and I'm so sorry I'm such a disappointment to you and your perfect family!" I yelled as I stormed out. "Katniss, wait." He Said. I turned around. "What?" "Tell me the truth. Were you and Noah..."I cut him off. "NO! Just like I told Leaha! I'm 15! Not 21!
"Ok, that's all I needed to hear." He Said as I walked out all angry. I said goodbye to Leaha and started crying. "Please don't make me go with him." I whispered in her ear. "I would if I could." She said in my ear. "Katniss, come on!" He exclaimed. "Ok I'm coming! Geez!" I Said back. I said goodbye to Leaha one more time and left. I got in the car and so did Logan. "I don't want you to see that Noah boy anymore. He's bad news." He Said as we were driving. I just gave him a look, looked back out the window as a tear ran down my face. "Why would you care? You didn't seem to care about me until now!" I Said not looking at him. "Because I didn't know you existed. If I did I would've helped out more." He Said. "I don't care what you want Logan, I love Noah. I don't care what you say." I Said calm. We get to the house and I walk in. Be ready Katniss, you have to face the boy that just abused you today. Logan took me to my room and I went straight to bed. I'm going to hate it here. And what did Leaha mean by if I could I would

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