Laying Out In The Open

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Hours had passed since the new fun filled night began and one by one they all fell victim to the party. Meliodas and ban engaged in multiple cook offs, all of which Ban won consistently and effortlessly. Hawk and Gowther seemed to be the ones most affected from this supposedly friendly competitive cook-off for they were forced to taste test  each dish prepared by the self taught and self proclaimed chefs. Whilst pork reveled in scraps created by the food god Ban, Gowther couldn't get past the first mouthful. He rolled over and laid on his stomach after falling from his chair. How funny, she barely knew them yet even Guila knew it was a bad idea to eat the Captain's cooking, how can such fresh and high quality ingredients.. reek so badly? Poor Guila had to carry Gowther upstairs to take care of him.

Diane and King went outside for fresh air and  also her pills effect would've been wearing off soon. Since they have bad side effects to them if taken too often, she couldn't get anymore and had to sleep outside. Sad really but king always slept next to her or spent his time watching her as she slept. This routine took up quite a bit of mana but it wasn't continuous use and for Diane, he would do it over and over again. He used his spirit spear Chastiefol to form a big enough canvas over her made from roots to protect her from the elements and keep her warm while he looked after her remembering the day they met and the times he spent with her when he left the Fairy King's Forrest.

With the rest of the crew of warriors and friends doing God knows what, only our lovely two of the evening were left, Merlin and Escanor. After finally finding some free time for themselves, merlin walked over to Escanor and sat next to him on a bar stool with a somewhat cocky smirk as usual. "It seems as if the party is over, no one is really pestering us anymore, so what shall we do?" She asked softly looking at him. Escanor smiled happily at her and swirled that very last sip of ale in his mug before throwing back the liquid down his throat. He slowly turned to her and squinted for a bit before his eyes widen again. "How about... a walk? The streets would be rather clear and quiet this time of night, and I'm sure we would be safe. We are more than capable of handling ourselves are we not? Well... you are.. I mean.. I'm.. not that strong like this.. but I'm sure you'll be  fine if something were to happen.." he said nervously and shyly. Even with the alcohol in his system and everything that happened tonight, it wasn't enough and like before his shy behavior was prominent but atleast Merlin was into the idea.

After a brief nodding session she quickly got up and made her way to the door heading outside, little ol' Escanor ran to her side and slowed down once he caught up to her. "Phew! Well that a relief huh merlin?.." he asked trying to make conversation but she quickly ignored it and asked a question of her own. "Escanor Tell me something, why have you not given up on me? I mean even in your poems you refer to me as your Sun. Why is that?" She said as they kept walking down the cobblestone paths.
"Merlin.. I realized that you never saw me as such.. but I'm a monster, a grotesque and hideous one, not to mention dangerous. Everyone despised me, not that I blame them or anything.. I would hate me too if I were that bad, but you gave me attention whether it was strictly for knowledge or otherwise. You did not classify me as a monster, you were not afraid but I was terrified, because for once, someone didn't think of me as an evil being to fear. All you saw was someone or something different. You made me your acquaintance, I became your friend, and you introduced me to a group of people who accepted me for me as well. How can I do anything else but love you? How can I give up on the person who instantly make my world brighter? You were all I thought about when I fought Gowther.. and even from afar, you pulled me out of the darkness without even knowing it.." he said softly and reached out for a moment to take her hand. She seemed accepting and held onto his hand as well which made everything so much more easier for the poor man.

Wandering about like souls looking for a place to call home, hey found themselves near a pond of some sort. They laid out on the grass and looked at the stars talking about anything and everything and truly getting to know eachother on a much more personal note, more than they already do. Escanor said something about his inspiration for his poem to her "My Sweet Gluttony" which made her laugh and in turn of all of this positive energy, he laughed as well but they unknowingly found themselves closer together physically. As The laughter faded and the silence grew, they both drew in closer and closer slowly.. Merlin seemed ready however little Escanor was a nervous wreck. He didn't want to rush in and ruin in, what if he was not that great of a kisser?. What if she rejected it or him? Seeing such a struggle puts a tiny smile on the magicians face and she took the lead this time.

Their lips brushed past eachothers gently, almost barely making contact but it aroused a hunger in Escanor. He leaned in again stealing and demanding another kiss of her lips and took it without asking before she had a chance to pull away. She fell victim to his ways and returned the kiss that was full of so much love and passion. His arms wrapped around her body as if he claimed her to be his and his eyes closed NOW his heart decided to race in excitement. What would happen next for the now official, somewhat official, couple? Stayed tuned in to find out what happens laying out in the open.

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