6. Cut Contact

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It was the next day. Seungmin and Hyunjin had found out that they went to the same school. They hung out everyday with the rest of the still in school members.

The two grew really close and Jisung, Felix and Jeongin were starting to ship them together and maybe make fun jokes like that.

Both Seungmin and Hyunjin never really cared since they both like each other, they just never admitted or shared.

It was nice and calm for almost the entire year until people started to catch on with Seungmin's and Hyunjin's feelings for each other.

Yelling that being gay wasn't right. Constantly, people bullied Seungmin and only Seungmin since they knew Hyunjin couldn't be faught.

So they did what they had to do. Seperated. Of course they had the whole Stray Kids thing but that was the only time they could ever see or talk to each other.

Hyunjin had decided it was best for him and Seungmin not to talk so no one would get hurt, both mentally or physically. However, Seungmin didn't know that and cried at night for a couple days.

That was it. No talking. No looking. No visits. And definitely no cuddling.

They never really talked anymore, even at practice. All the other members kept talking within each other and wondering what happened.

One day was all it took for Jeongin to find out what had happened. Jeongin had took the day to 'stalk' Seungmin, as told to by his hyungs.

Seungmin was walking past someone until he got slammed against the locker. A random girl started yelling at Seungmin.

"Who the f*ck do you think you are?! You said you cut contact with Hyunjin?!" She yelled. She then kicked his stomach. He's getting bullied and this is the reason.

"I-I work at the same place as him." Seungmin stuttered quietly. Jeongin's heart broke. Seungmin never acted like this. He continued to watch but this time, he recorded every, single, movement.

"Then quit your job." The girl said with no remorse. Quit? QUIT? She's willing to take it that far?!?

"I'm not quiting my job as a trainee for you!! I'm gonna live my dream and you can't stop me." Seungmin yelled. However, anyone could tell he was shaking badly.

"What? Did you just talk back to me?" The girl sounded offended. Seungmin gulped and nodded. The girl deadly glared at Seungmin and pinned him to the wall.

"Listen here you gay freak. Hyunjin will never like you. No one will. You'd might as well call you single forever. No one would want to be with a gay monster like you."

Then the girl left. Seungmin slid down the lockers and started crying. Jeongin had to fight the erge to help his amazing hyung. As the other hyungs had told him, don't let him see you no matter what.

Jeongin had continued to record little videos and had sent it to Chan. Chan had yet to respond, since he was busy producing. Seungmin had stopped crying so he decided to act as if he had just came.

Jeongin put his phone away and walked quietly down the hall. He then walked down the hall again and started to yell out Seungmin's name.

"Seungmin?? Where are you??" Jeongin continued to yell. Seungmin heard his friend's voice and wiped his tears away. He put a smile on his face and pretended nothing ever happened.

"I'm here!!" Seungmin raised his and yelled out. Jeongin ran up to Seungmin and hugged him.

"I thought someone kidnapped you! You should come back quicker!!" Jeongin scolded, trying to talk regularly.

"Yeah yeah, I know. But I really think we should head to class." Seungmin chuckled happily. Or at least it seemed happy.

They both headed to class.


"CHAN HYUNG!! JEONGIN SENT YOU A MESSAGE!!" Minho yelled from the front of the door.

"You don't need to yell. Hand me my phone please." Chan asked while he continued to work.

Minho handed Chan the phone and even opened it. Minho honestly, admired Chan for all his hard work in producing. As much as Minho wanted to help with it, he didn't have the talent to yet.

All of the members feel the same way except for Changbin and Jisung, since they both help Chan with producing.

Anyway, Chan looked through the messages to see two videos. He watched the first one. Seungmin and a girl that kept bullying him. Next was Seungmin crying on the floor.

Chan screeched in terror as Minho had joined in to watching the video.

"What the h*ll?? Is this why they stopped talking?? And quit his job? Who does she think she is??" Minho yelled in anger.

"THAT'S IT." Chan stormed out of the studio with Minho chasing after him. They ended up at Seungmin's school. Chan barged into the principal's office.

"Excuse me, but I think my friend is getting bullied here." Chan said as the principal looked confused.

"You have no proof." The principal said. Chan smiled and showed him the video. Turns out, the bully is the neice of the principal. So she definitely got a talking to.

They then headed to the regular office and decided to pull all the of the members out from school to discuss what happened.


There they were. Everyone gathered up in the practice room with Chan about to begin his sentence. Just for this occasion, the SKZ members put Seungmin and Hyunjin together.

"Seungmin, why didn't you tell us that you were bullied??"


Ayo~~~ I hope that this chapter isn't that crappy, even though I made this at 1:23am. I guess I'm just losing ideas??? Cause there ain't no fluff, but honestly, I wrote this so....my fault. :))

Also, something is wrong with my autocorrect, I wrote thought and it corrected to (he hath a thought) so....yeah?

Please understand and thank you :))


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