|Chapter 3|

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Chapter 3//

Everytime i'm going to tutor Ross. I have to walk this way by ancliff. It was scary, but nothing happened - exept this time.

Everybody says when you die. You see your whole life flash by you. You could see your childhood when you for yhe first time swimmed. You can see your first day, on high school. Everything. Before this, i tought i had a intresting live. Not. I could see that i shouldn't have spend allot time at the libary. Or that i have should live a little more instead of learning all the time.

My life was boring.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" The guy asked me who bumped in me and almost lett me fall in the cliff.

"Yeah, i'm alright." I said with a smile. "Thank you for saving me."

"It's alright. You sure i didn't hurt you?" I looked up at him and finnally got a good fuw of him. He was tall, blond hair that was on the side cut short and on the top long. He had big pupoy dog eyes. He was handsome for sure.

"No it's fine." And i startes to walk away. I was already late. I didn't want to assume things.

"Hey wait!" He called back at him. I turned around and waited for him to speak.

"What's your name?" But i walked trough. Why should i answer that question? I don't know him. Why should i gave him my name. It's not that i am ever going to see him again.

The rest of the way i took a run. I didn't want to lose my only job.

Ten minuts later i was at the apartment building again. I took a deep breath, streached my clothes and ringed the bell. Charlie opened.

"There you are! Mister, Ross is already wating for you." She said.

Oh peanuts. I hope i don't lose my job.

I walked in the room again and indit Ross was already wating for me.

"I'm sorry i'm late, but it's a long story." I said, while walking at the other side of the big table again. Ross didn't answer. I hope i didn't answer because he didn't care.

"So what had you in your mind to do this time?" I asked. I pulled my brown hair in a ponytail.

"Nothing really."

Well, that helps allot.

"Alright, um, Did you ever read books?" I asked, i mean, could he even read.

"No. I tried but..." What had he done all his live.

"I am going to teach you the amazing thing on the world." i saiw with a big smile. "I am going to learn you read'" I said exited. I love reading books. Someone learning to read, is amazing.

I heard Ross softly groan under his black hoodie.

"Now, now, mister grumby face. Reading is amazing! I read all the time!"

"Whatever." He said. I was postitive that he was smilling under that black hoodie. And that made me smile even wider.

"Do you have a libary in this big, big, apartment?"

"Yeah, The stairs up and then the second door to you left."

"Second door on the left. Got it." I said, mostly to myself.

"Alright, Ross get ready, this is going to be tuff, but when we done with this. You are going in a whole new world." I said while standing up from my chair.

"Get some orange juice and gogurt. Because we are in for a long ride." I said and walked out the room.


I fanally updated this story, lol. Make sure to check out all my other story's!

Much love from me

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