|Chapter 4|

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Chapter 4//

Laura walked up the stairs and followed Ross derections. 'First door on the left.' She told herself. She was very exited when she found the libary. Laura had always a love for reading, and she tought it was awsome that she now could learn somebody else the love of reading.

Pushing the door open she saw the biggest libary she ever saw in a house. How big is this place?! She tought, this house was getting bigger and bigger.

Her big brown eyes looked around the room. Her eyes the oak where the books were on. And a small table with a one chair. She wondered who would sit, sknce Ross couldn't read. But then she remembered Charlie. Charlie will wake often come here.

She screached for the book what was her favoirite. Ten minuts past when she found the book.

The fault in our stars.

Laura loved that book to death. Who doesn't? Laura tought. With a smal smile on her face she grabbed the book that John Green had writen.

Walking back to the big diner room, she saw Ross sitting on the chair again with the orange juice and gogurt. She smiled a little bit bigger at that. She loved gogurt so much, it was all she ate.

"Ross. I found the most awsome book ever. I read this one by myself almost already four times. And believe me, that's allot." She said and walked to her all the way on the other side of the table.

"What's the name?" He asked. She was still sad that he didn't trust her to show his face. She was absolutely sure that he was handsome. But if he didn't wabted to show her. She needed to respect that.

"The fault in our stars." Laura said back to him with a smile.

"But be carefull, this is the sadest book on the planet. So somewhere in this book. We need some tissues. Be prepared."

"Alright," Ross said.

Laura was thinking how she was going to do this. He didn't want her to come to close to him. So they couldn't read the book togheter.

"How about this," She started saying. "I read everyday from this book - to you. Till i read to book  completeley to you. And when i am gone, you can read the Chapter on your own when i'm gone." She suggested. "Is that fine with you?"

She saw Ross his head going up and down, saying it was alright.

"Alright let's get started." She said exited.

"Late in the winter of my seventeeth year...."

Laura read, out loud to Ross. Carefully and loud, so he could understand her- and hopefully - could read soon my himself.

After the part that Augustus met Hazel, Laura got a big shock. Sometimes she would look up to Ross looking if he was listening to her. But when she looked up at him in that part. His hoodie was off. She stopped reading.

Under that black hoodie and all that black clothes. Was sure a handsome man. Ross had slightly long blond hair, but it looked good on him. He had high cheekbones, and a straight yaw. He had big brown puppy eyes that were impossible not to look at or get lost in. Everything looked good on him, even the big scar on his face. Ross had a big scar that started right above his eyebrow, and walked all the way down, along his cheeks, to his neck - and it vanishing down his shirt.

Laura looked with a slightly open mouth to Ross,

stoned of how handsome he his. Ross his brwon eyes looked back at her, with with a little expectation what she would say.

Laura of course couldn't say to him that he was absolutely gorgeous. That would be unprofessional. So the best thing she could do now, is just read on.

" 'Goddamn' Augustus said. 'Arn't you something else'."

For Laura that was a double meaning.


Hey! I honestly loved ghis chapter :) I live the fault in our stars.

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Much love from me ♧

P.S. Follow me on instagram - @/ postingthefandom :D

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