|Chapter 8|

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Like i promised :)


Chapter 8//

His lips  felt softly against mine, exploring the waters. My hand moved away from his cheek to his mid-long blonde hair. My other hand - that wasn't in his hair - moved to his chest. Feeling hus heart moving fast under my palm.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

    His lips diceded to move against mine. Setting my body on fire. Then just like that it seemed like something switched in his head. He pulled away amd i tought he didn't like it, but as soon he pulled away he was back at my lips again.       

           Hands now on my waist, he pushed me down on the bed taking me by suprise. My eyes widened for a moment but then i was lost in the moment again.       Ross had perfect lips and i felt complete when they were on mine.   After a few last kisses, we pulled away from eachother taking deep breaths. When my eyes met his again, i saw him blush.

"I'm sorry. I lost-" Like a typicail move scene i pressed my index finger against his lips.

       "It doesn't matter." I smiled at him. He still was hovering over me. Strong arms next to my face, and his knees where on the other side of my thighs.   When i pulled my finger away from his lips, his face was sireus.

         "Laura, i" He tried to make out the right words to say. "I don't know what this feeling i have when i am with you. My body is all hot and-" He grabbed my hand and placed it over his heart. Just like i did before. "My heart beates so fast. When i am with you. I never, ever, felt this way before and i just don't know what it is."

My eyes growened soft, i forgot that Ross was putt here on a young age. He didn't knew what he had to do in this situation.

    Moving my hand away from were he placed it and placed it on his neck. Looking him in his eyes i started. "I know what it is. And i feel the exact same. Ross, i like you allot, like allot, allot." He smiled softly at me, trying to figure out what i exactly meant. Sighing i tried to explain, "Ross there is a specific feeling i have for you. It is like... I would like to have you close to me all the time," I moved my head up, coming closer to his face. "I want to hold you all the time 'cause when you close to me, i feel amazing."

            And we kissed again.


I laughed out loud at Ross' his joke. I laughed so heard that when i laughed, there didn't came out of his. So i was pretty sure i looked like a freak.

   Ross face was full of amusement. "I didn't tought it was that funny."

  I waved my hand, saying that i needed a moment to get myself togheter. "Oeh," i could talk again. "Gosh, Ross, your so funny." Laying my head on his shoulder i looked at the sun that was slowly going down.

     After i addmited my feelings, we moved to the rooftop.

   "I know," Even when i couldn't see him, i practically hear his smirk.

    "Don't ruin the moment."

  With one last chuckle of his side he growned silent. I felt that he grabbed my hand, intertwining them. His hands where much bigger then mine.

My phone bieped inside of my pocket. Annoyed because the preson who texted me ruined the moment i grabbed my fliphone.

    "Do you still have a fliphone?"

    "Yes Ross, yes i have."

Looking who texted me a saw that it was Riker. 'Hey beautiful ;)' it said. Like i said before, Riker is a smooth guy.

    "Who is that?" Ross asked. I moved my head away from his shoulder. "Oh, just this guy i met today."

     "Why did he called you beautiful then?" I looked him in the eyes. I saw some mixed feelings in it. Wait...

  "Are you jealous?" I raised my eyebrows, smirking.

      He blushed. Ah that blush. "Pshh, whaaatt?"

I smiled at him. We both knew that he was jealous. He rolled his eyes. "But in all siereusness. Who is it?"

   "Oh his name is Riker. We are just friends."

Panick growned on his face, his eyes were wide. "Riker?!"

  "Yes Riker... Do you know him?"



Wwaaaadduuuuuppp *austin and dez handshake* So hmmmmm what did ya think? Liked it Hated it?

Oh! The first chapter of: Smilling his way in, is going to be on Tommorow! Thank you for the people who read it and voted :)



Stay awsome

Much love from me♥

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